So I'm trying to let go of my anger... had a long walk today did a lot thinking. I was feeling disappointed in myself for 'venting to strangers on the internet" I remember during a fight my ex telling me she wouldn't stoop to my level by insulting me and then she preceded to tell me just how stupid I was. I though "you hypocritical bitch" now I'm the hypocritical bitch. I said I wasn't going to stoop to her level and vent to the whole of the internet but... In truth I don't really care what is said about me. I have little interest in social networking or internet fame. I mean really, how many people are even reading this. I haven't been on myspace in, like, four years (but who has) and everyone on my facebook has known me for at least five years (in real life no one I met over the internet) The few people who's opinions matter know better. What makes me angry is watching the woman I love in pain. Not eating, not sleeping... I mean. that's the point, right. Saying all these things. The point is to get attention and to get revenge. Revenge for what I don't know? I was the one who put my foot down and ended it. I'm the one who decided it wasn't working. I just couldn't take it any more. The two of you brought out the worst in each other, and you made each other miserable. Its over. Let's just stop trying to make each other miserable and move on.
...we now return you to your regularly scheduled program.
...we now return you to your regularly scheduled program.
good for you. close the door & walk out into the sunshine. You two ladies deserve peace and joy (I sound like a greeting card). After all, life is about living and learning. Some things are great for a time, but we learn and we move on. No harm. No foul. Just life.
So sayeth, sensei Pissed.

it's just one of my many talents
Welcome to Sunday...I have a hankerin for crepes!!