Tomorrow I am getting a vasectomy. I have two young children and my wife and I decided we are done. So, here I go to get my Scrotum sliced open and a cm of my vas deference cut out.. waving goodbye to future children. Is hard but I don’t think I/we can sustain another life . Honestly, I never wanted kids. She did. We were...
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My last parter went through this around the same time. 🙌 haaaarsh toookkees!

25 years ago my mother died. I was 12 at the time of her passing and found nothing from my peers but empty condolence and false virtue from people who I didn’t know. My older brother dedicated himself to become a doctor and completely left the two other brothers to our own devices. My little brother (8 at the time) needed someone there to support...
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Thank you @allyx for your kind words. You nailed it on the head about relating about the situation. Unfortunately from your insight I take it you’ve lost as well. If so you truly have my sympathy. If not, I’m very much appreciate your empathy/insight. People like you are the ones that make this community so special.