Ok! So sunday I tried to go out to the beach but the beach just didnt want anyone around. It was windy as all hell out there. I have never been to the beach with so much wind. I mean you litterally couldnt look up or you would get a whole lot of sand in your eyes and mouth and nose and ears. Oh it sucked! We originally wanted to go to the dunes and slide down on a VW front apron. It didnt work. We tried to enjoy it but it just wasnt happening. We went home and bbq with some friends and stayed nice and warm at the house.
I took a shower last night and couldnt believe all the sand that came off my body. Also i still have sand in my shoes and my ears. that sucks. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Talk to ya soon.
EDIT: I would also like to add... Today is going to suck because i have to work and there isnt anything to do because my whole job is based on the phones and I havent had one phone call yet. This sucks! Hope everyones monday holiday is better then mine.
EDIT: I get off at 1pm today!! YEAH!!! ONe more hour!
I took a shower last night and couldnt believe all the sand that came off my body. Also i still have sand in my shoes and my ears. that sucks. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Talk to ya soon.

EDIT: I would also like to add... Today is going to suck because i have to work and there isnt anything to do because my whole job is based on the phones and I havent had one phone call yet. This sucks! Hope everyones monday holiday is better then mine.
EDIT: I get off at 1pm today!! YEAH!!! ONe more hour!
Have fun with the rest of your day!