WOW what a weekend. I threw a birthday party for 3 people at my house who have the same birthday. My boyfriend, his friend casey and bobby. its was crazy! I got to see my friend boyd who i havent seen in years. I was so hapy because alot of old friends came by to hang out. I stayed up til 2am and still behind in sleep, but i am catchin up. My best friend cam by also but was wanting to talk to me about what has been going on and why she hasnt talked to me in a week. I guess she is having major boyfriend problems. She just huged me and cried. I feel so bad for her. I told her boyfriend to leave the party and that he has no idea what an awesome person he has. But you know how that goes. You never know what you have til its gone. He has been going on this ego trip that is making him a major asshole. My best friend was embarrassed and was afraid to trouble me with this and so that is why she has been in hiding. She told me that he thinks she is fat and that she is worthless. Which is untrue. He is the reason she has an eating disorder and that she is thinking she is worthless and I hate it. She is so cute and i love her. Here is a pic of her you tell me what you think...
Granted these are goofy pics of her but this is who she is and I love her. There are more pics of her on my profile if you would like to see more.
Yesterday we went bike riding hella late at night. it was a blast. This guy asked me to marry him and the ring he gave me was a pastic superbowl ring. LOL! it was teh funniest thing. I love you Nate!!!!! Other then the drama in my life i had an awesome weekend. I hope all of you did too. I hope to hear from you peoples soon. Much love to all of you.
You never know what you have til its gone.
That about sums it up. Maybe the boy will get lucky and figure it out before he learns that lesson the hardway.
I had a very nice weekend myself and SpeakEasy in SF was a grand time
glad to hear the celebration went well!