YAy! I Totally love my new car but i think i am going to have to keep practicing how to drive with this beast. Its a stick and its a very touchy one at that. I will take some pictures soon. It isnt much right now. I have ordered some parts for it so i am waiting on those.
I start my machining classes soon. I cant wait.
Can i say that with having a week off from work it is really hard to get up early and go to bed early. Also, that whole week was very uneventful. But hey i can do what i want on my vaca right?
I am glad that some of you had a great holiday. I did too. I needed that break from work and shit going on at the house.
New years party was nice and calming. I was the DD. (did it so my brother could drink with Jerry and the boys at Zanes house.) There was a guy there that thinks he is all tough and shit and was claiming to be the leader of the skin heads and had his dick sucked by a transvestite. (spelling?) I got a lil sick of hearing the rasist jokes and comments so i went to hang with the girls and here is what we did.
We are such Silly girls!
I start my machining classes soon. I cant wait.
Can i say that with having a week off from work it is really hard to get up early and go to bed early. Also, that whole week was very uneventful. But hey i can do what i want on my vaca right?
I am glad that some of you had a great holiday. I did too. I needed that break from work and shit going on at the house.
New years party was nice and calming. I was the DD. (did it so my brother could drink with Jerry and the boys at Zanes house.) There was a guy there that thinks he is all tough and shit and was claiming to be the leader of the skin heads and had his dick sucked by a transvestite. (spelling?) I got a lil sick of hearing the rasist jokes and comments so i went to hang with the girls and here is what we did.
We are such Silly girls!