so i'm back in hawaii which sucks to me i know alot of poeple out there would love to be here but i just want to go home and hang out with my freinds and family. and most importantly kobe. ok maybe not most importantly but deffiantly up there in the top portions. i have been back for about 6 hours now and i am still fucked up from when i was at home. just remember drugs kill not fast enough but they do. and the death is not the worst part its the journey down this dark road of addictions and disappointments that really takes its toll on not only you but the ones you hold closest to your heart. i have no problem with self destruction at all but as previousely stated you destroy the lives of everyone around in the process. there are drugs out there that are not so much habitits as they are lifestyles. hend my advice children stay away from the evils that have the power to control your life. did i say dont do drugs? fuck no i love drugs. they are one of my true passions just dont let them control your life. good luck