Hey guys, let me fill you in.
I've been packing up all of my stuff today. Why? I can officially move into my place starting TOMORROW.
Michelle is going to be my roomy. I hung out with her at BSU all the time. Well, we signed up for a three bedroom/bathroom apartment hoping to get paired with a gay guy or something. No, we sure didn't. We got paired with some Erin Gualdoni girl that we don't know. I looked her up on Facebook and Myspace, but she doesn't show up. We have her phone number, and it's an Indiana zip code, somewhere up north. The only Erin G that shows up on myspace is some 22 year old girl from Missouri, so I doubt it's her. Anyway, we both called her a bunch of times and she isn't returning her calls. Her fucking voicemail is like "Hiiii, this is Erin Gualdoniii, leave a message."
She sounds like a little girl, no joke. So I swear if she's some antisocial geeksquad we're going to have problems, because Michelle and I are kind of crazy and I know we're going to be partying on the weekends. Guaranteed, my blue/purple hair is going to scare the poor girl when I meet her. Oh well. I just hope she isn't a preppy sorority girl slut-bag that has annoying ass douchebags over all of the time with popped collars and flip flops. I'm pretty blunt and I'll probably say how I feel about their douchebag ways.
So, I'm hoping she's okay.
Origianally we weren't supposed to move in until the 16th, but when we went in to pay first months rent, they told us that the girl was moved out and the place was fixed up so we can start moving in on the 9th....so Michelle and I are hoping to move in there tomorrow and claim the living room and kitchen so it's "our" place before she gets there.
I've got 6 boxes packed so far and I still have a room full of shit scattered everywhere that I have to pack. I have no idea how I'm going to get all of it in there. I'm taking my futon and purple chair so I asked my dad to follow me with the truck.
The place I'm moving into gives you a full size bed, but they're pretty uncomfortable, so I'm just going to take the matress that my grandma got for me when I was living in my dorm. It's only a twin, but I freaking love it. My dad and I are going to take apart the frame and take that and the matress home and store it in the basement so I'll just throw my twin matress up against the wall. I hope they don't mind that I'm taking the bed they give us somewhere. I'm paying for it, so whatever.
I lucked out and got the transfer to the Petsmart in Muncie, which is close to where I live...so I've got a job set up there already so I'll be able to pay rent. My parents don't want me to pay rent, so if it ends up my rich grandma, mom, and dad pay for it, I told them that I'm paying for my gas card and my part of the cell phone bill. I don't want to feel guilty in the long run for them paying for all of my shit, you know?
Chamelot, the chameleon died (RIP). I don't know if all of you know that. He died a few weeks ago. I cried. I came home from work and he was on the bottom of his cage. I don't know what happened.
I'm never getting another reptile.
I actually thought about getting a tattoo on my right hip/side of a chameleon, but then I felt guilty for not getting tattoos for any of the other animals I've had that meant a lot to me. I'm weird like that.
It's fucking hot out. The radio said it's around 97, but feels like 115.
I got a new phone It started messing up on me a few weeks back and it'd go black or white on me everytime I reopened it or shut off on me. Weird, annoying stuff like that. Eventually I just left it open all of the time. I called cingular and they tried resetting it and it didn't fix anything, so two nights ago my dad called for me and ordered a new phone. Unfortunately they didn't have the blue razor like the one I had, so I had to go with silver. Well, yesterday I was in the drive thru at taco bell with this girl that I work with, Amanda, and the girl at the window was kind of slow in the head. A mountain dew ends up getting spilled on my lap and gets my lap and phone drenched. As I sat there screaming every obscenity Amanda just laughed at me. I was sitting in fucking mt dew and ice cubes. It was cold. The girl at the window just stood there and stared at me and I was finally like "Can I get some fucking napkins or something?"
I had to work for about and hour and a half in wet pants that looked like I peed myself lol. Amy took me into the back of grooming and tried power drying me off with the dog dryer haha. That thing was like a SUPER POWERED air blower, to the point that it hurt when it hit me. But yeah, eventually I took it and started acting like I was humping it and blow dried my crotch and all of that fun shit.
Anyway, my phone was fucked. I get home, take a bath, and when I get out, there's a box at the front door. It was my new phone. Talk about perfect timing haha. I only went a few hours without my old one when I got a new one shipped to me hahaha.
I never realized how much shit I type up when I actually sit down and talk/type.
I'm fucking stoked for Ozzfest. I just found out that DevilDriver will be playing, which is a good thing.
By the way, if any of you are going, look for girls with blue hair, because one of them will probably be me. If for some chance I'm hot enough and go in a bikini top, look for tattoos on my ribs, thats when you know it's me. Don't be shy, but don't be a fucking creep, because I'll probably just stare at you and walk away if that's the case.
I bought some green paint to paint a few things on my desk lamp so it'd match my rainbow sherbert bed spread, and I've got some left, so I'm thinking about going to the park and graffiti-ing the abandoned train at Forest Park. I'm gonna have to figure out what I want to draw though because I've never been good at that sort of shit. I've actually never tried it before, so that'll be fun. Any ideas? I should go buy some more colors.
NO! I'm going to paint Chamelot! That'd be fucking awesome. I mean, c'mon, it's green anyway. Yup...that's what I'm going to paint lol. I'll probably fuck it up so bad
Anyway, I'm off.
I've been packing up all of my stuff today. Why? I can officially move into my place starting TOMORROW.
Michelle is going to be my roomy. I hung out with her at BSU all the time. Well, we signed up for a three bedroom/bathroom apartment hoping to get paired with a gay guy or something. No, we sure didn't. We got paired with some Erin Gualdoni girl that we don't know. I looked her up on Facebook and Myspace, but she doesn't show up. We have her phone number, and it's an Indiana zip code, somewhere up north. The only Erin G that shows up on myspace is some 22 year old girl from Missouri, so I doubt it's her. Anyway, we both called her a bunch of times and she isn't returning her calls. Her fucking voicemail is like "Hiiii, this is Erin Gualdoniii, leave a message."
She sounds like a little girl, no joke. So I swear if she's some antisocial geeksquad we're going to have problems, because Michelle and I are kind of crazy and I know we're going to be partying on the weekends. Guaranteed, my blue/purple hair is going to scare the poor girl when I meet her. Oh well. I just hope she isn't a preppy sorority girl slut-bag that has annoying ass douchebags over all of the time with popped collars and flip flops. I'm pretty blunt and I'll probably say how I feel about their douchebag ways.
So, I'm hoping she's okay.
Origianally we weren't supposed to move in until the 16th, but when we went in to pay first months rent, they told us that the girl was moved out and the place was fixed up so we can start moving in on the 9th....so Michelle and I are hoping to move in there tomorrow and claim the living room and kitchen so it's "our" place before she gets there.
I've got 6 boxes packed so far and I still have a room full of shit scattered everywhere that I have to pack. I have no idea how I'm going to get all of it in there. I'm taking my futon and purple chair so I asked my dad to follow me with the truck.
The place I'm moving into gives you a full size bed, but they're pretty uncomfortable, so I'm just going to take the matress that my grandma got for me when I was living in my dorm. It's only a twin, but I freaking love it. My dad and I are going to take apart the frame and take that and the matress home and store it in the basement so I'll just throw my twin matress up against the wall. I hope they don't mind that I'm taking the bed they give us somewhere. I'm paying for it, so whatever.
I lucked out and got the transfer to the Petsmart in Muncie, which is close to where I live...so I've got a job set up there already so I'll be able to pay rent. My parents don't want me to pay rent, so if it ends up my rich grandma, mom, and dad pay for it, I told them that I'm paying for my gas card and my part of the cell phone bill. I don't want to feel guilty in the long run for them paying for all of my shit, you know?
Chamelot, the chameleon died (RIP). I don't know if all of you know that. He died a few weeks ago. I cried. I came home from work and he was on the bottom of his cage. I don't know what happened.
I'm never getting another reptile.
I actually thought about getting a tattoo on my right hip/side of a chameleon, but then I felt guilty for not getting tattoos for any of the other animals I've had that meant a lot to me. I'm weird like that.
It's fucking hot out. The radio said it's around 97, but feels like 115.
I got a new phone It started messing up on me a few weeks back and it'd go black or white on me everytime I reopened it or shut off on me. Weird, annoying stuff like that. Eventually I just left it open all of the time. I called cingular and they tried resetting it and it didn't fix anything, so two nights ago my dad called for me and ordered a new phone. Unfortunately they didn't have the blue razor like the one I had, so I had to go with silver. Well, yesterday I was in the drive thru at taco bell with this girl that I work with, Amanda, and the girl at the window was kind of slow in the head. A mountain dew ends up getting spilled on my lap and gets my lap and phone drenched. As I sat there screaming every obscenity Amanda just laughed at me. I was sitting in fucking mt dew and ice cubes. It was cold. The girl at the window just stood there and stared at me and I was finally like "Can I get some fucking napkins or something?"
I had to work for about and hour and a half in wet pants that looked like I peed myself lol. Amy took me into the back of grooming and tried power drying me off with the dog dryer haha. That thing was like a SUPER POWERED air blower, to the point that it hurt when it hit me. But yeah, eventually I took it and started acting like I was humping it and blow dried my crotch and all of that fun shit.
Anyway, my phone was fucked. I get home, take a bath, and when I get out, there's a box at the front door. It was my new phone. Talk about perfect timing haha. I only went a few hours without my old one when I got a new one shipped to me hahaha.
I never realized how much shit I type up when I actually sit down and talk/type.
I'm fucking stoked for Ozzfest. I just found out that DevilDriver will be playing, which is a good thing.
By the way, if any of you are going, look for girls with blue hair, because one of them will probably be me. If for some chance I'm hot enough and go in a bikini top, look for tattoos on my ribs, thats when you know it's me. Don't be shy, but don't be a fucking creep, because I'll probably just stare at you and walk away if that's the case.
I bought some green paint to paint a few things on my desk lamp so it'd match my rainbow sherbert bed spread, and I've got some left, so I'm thinking about going to the park and graffiti-ing the abandoned train at Forest Park. I'm gonna have to figure out what I want to draw though because I've never been good at that sort of shit. I've actually never tried it before, so that'll be fun. Any ideas? I should go buy some more colors.
NO! I'm going to paint Chamelot! That'd be fucking awesome. I mean, c'mon, it's green anyway. Yup...that's what I'm going to paint lol. I'll probably fuck it up so bad

Anyway, I'm off.
that would be a fantastic tribute to Chamelot! Have fun moving. I hear it's supposed to be just as hot today. Fuck. :ast year I moved in in that heat too.
See you at Ozzfest!