we had some random cat show up a few months back and he hangs around the house now with all of our other outside cats. he's a sweetheart and follows me everywhere. i named him cheeks. he looks evil in this picture but he's the sweetest thing, no joke.
i officially have enough money for three months rent now, WOOT. all of my work is paying off haha. i got the transfer to the petsmart in muncie so when i go back up to ball state i'll have a job. i'm going to go talk to the store manager there and see how many hours i'll be working. if its not enough then i'm probably going to look for another job at spencers or something....that way i can have my hair any color i want. i plan on dying it blue/purple but i'll only have it like that for maybe two weeks which sucks. oh well.
have any of you heard the new song, lie, by black light burns? do any of you remember limp bizkit? their ex guitarist wes borland is the vocalist hahaha. i like it. i used to really like him in limp bizkit. blogh, i dont have much to talk about really. i hope all of you have a wonderful week/weekend!

Awwww, you're both so cute. My ex just got a cat, a 6 year old that is soooooooo affectionate. It's pretty awesome too.
That cat has a huuuuuuge head