Where do I begin? Um....I've been working all of the time, hanging with Brian, I went to the Tool show with Spencer, Avon Bryan, Foodle, and Katy...almost died it felt like. Um.......I'm going to Cincinnati on Saturday....drama this drama that. I can't think of what else.
Let me explain.
I've been staying busy at work all of the time. I'm usually there from about noon to almost 10pm....and then after work I'll usually go see Brian and be at his place until crazy late hours, come home, go to bed, go to work and re-do everything. On the 23rd I drove up to Ft. Wayne with Avon Bryan in my passenger seat and Spencer following me with Foodle and Katy. I guess I'm a crazy driver and should be in the Air Force since I weave in and out of people like crazy whoh says both Spencer and Avon Bryan....yeah. I bet I could fly a jet. Anyway, we drove up to Ft. Wayne for the Tool show which was FUCKING AWESOME. I don't care if you don't like Tool, I don't give a flying fuck, I had a blast. We got there 4 hours early and were the first ones in line so we were in the very front row up against the gate and let me tell you, I was bruised on my chest, underboobs, and ribs from being pushed into it. I thought I cracked three of my ribs but they just really hurt. I'm okay now, but the next two days at work were torture. I felt bad for the security guard in front of me because he was always like "you want out?!"
I was beaten, bruised, but it was so worth it.
Before the show started I was talking to the security guard and he ended up talking about how he's never listened to Tool because he listens to christian rock. He asked me if I listened to it and I was like "no I'm pretty much anti-religious so that wouldn't really work for me" and he was like "I feel sorry for you" then later on he was like "Your life will never be the same now that you've met me"
What? My life is a constant change. Everyones life is a constant change. What a nice....weird guy. He gave me a mint which was nice and Avon Bryan kept joking it was X but I knew better. I mean, it tasted like a mint, and it didn't have any side effects haha. Yeah....Melt Banana opened up for them and they were horrible. They're some band from Japan and the vocalist sounds like a parrot.
Brian and I kind of got into a dispute because I went downtown with Spencer. Downtown is supposedly "our" spot so he was kind up upset that I was there with another guy. Old story, we're over it. He ignored me for a bit until I blew up at him with sarcastic text messages during work like "I can pretend I don't care that you're ignoring me but whatever, genius idea by the way, really, I don't know what else could be better for this relationship, really, if you're ignoring me now, why don't you just ignore me for the rest of your life. FUCKING GENIUS"
You know, stuff like that. I'm a sarcastic smart ass.
This Saturday I was going to go to Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom with Brian but we changed our minds after a lady got her legs cut off by one of the rides last week. Yeah, I like my legs. We're now going to some huge ass aquarium near Cincinnati, hanging out downtown, and then going to Hooters on the water. It's only about an hour and half drive so it's closer than Six Flags, cheaper, and I won't lose my legs.
Watch, I just jinxed myself.
Why does Gunney rock? Because of him I can actually go to Ozzfest, and I'm so thankful for that because I was BUMMIN over the fact that I couldn't get a ticket. He was nice enough to give me his extra ticket.
I miss you guys, and I'm really sorry for not being on here as often as I used to be.
I QUIT MEIJER!!!!!!!!!!
Who wants the story? I've got a kick ass story.
I went out with a mother fucking bang.
Okay so there's this girl that worked there named Ashley, well she was a total bitch. She thought she was the boss of everybody and her boyfriend, Brandon, is the third-shift manager so he was always there when we were working. Okay....she had a fucking clipboard with a list of stuff that had to be done and she would walk around with the fucking thing marking our names next to what we did and checking it off when we got it done and she would to all of these little five minute bullshit things while Dustin and I would be out pushing carts for a fucking hour, or doing lot trash which took forever. We had a dust pan, broom, and a trash bag and we'd have to go all through the parking lot, around the bushes, and even behind the buliding using just a fucking dust pan and broom to pick the shit up. IT SUCKED, and took fucking forever. Dustin and I always did it. Well.....Ashley always wandered off all the fucking time and hung out with her boyfriend, Brandon, and wouldn't do jack shit even though she bossed all of us around. Well, the night that I quit, Dustin and I were waiting for her to get back so we could go out and do carts. She said she was going to the back to get a shamrock and L-cart with bags and ended up being gone for 45 minutes so when she gets back shes like "There havent been any carts here for an hour!" So I'm like "if you knew there weren't any carts there why the fuck didnt you get your ass out there yourself and get them?" so Dustin and I go out there, do carts while she's on U-scan. Oh yes people, she's so fucking lazy she won't even get on a regular register.
Did I mention Dustin wasn't even scheduled for that night? Remember that. It would have just been me and her.
Well I'm pissed that she got on us for the carts, so while we're outside getting them I'm like "Dustin, lets clock out for lunch as soon as we get in, at the same time" so we clock out and shes like YOU CAN'T DO THAT, TWO PEOPLE CAN'T TAKE A LUNCH AT THE SAME TIME.
So we're like....fuck you bitch we're clocked out. Well she calls her boyfriend and he calls Dustin and he's like "We need someone on a regular register in case someone with 12 or more items comes to the U-scan" so Dustin is like "well I"m already clocked out what do you want me to do?" and Brandon goes "Just fucking forget it!"
So we enjoy our lunch, come back, and decide that when she goes on lunch we'll do catilina tape, returns, and i-stations, then when she gets back we'll go outside and do lot trash....I'd push around a cart with a trash bag in it while he got the trash that way one of us wouldn't have to carry all of that shit around. Well I ask her when she's going on lunch and tell her that we're going to do stuff when she leaves and she's like "aren't there two of you?" and gives me this smartass look and I"m like "no bitch, there are three of us, congratulations you can count"
so she goes on her lunch. by this time we dont have any customers what so ever so we get our stuff done, and when she gets back we go and do lot trash. by the time we're in the back of the buliding, here comes brandon. he's like "DUSTIN I TOLD YOU SOMEONE NEEDS TO BE ON A REGULAR REGISTER" and dustin is like "IM NOT EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE HERE, IF IT WAS JUST ASHLEY AND CHELSI, CHELSI WOULD BE OUT HERE DOING THIS AND ASHLEY WOULD BE ON U-SCAN, WHY CANT SHE GET ON A REGULAR REGISTER ANYWAY? WE DONT EVEN GET ANY CUSTOMERS THIS LATE." so he ends up going inside to end up standing there doing nothing while im out doing the fucking lot trash BY MYSELF.
well I'm pissed, i finish half of the front and i storm in there and im like ASHLEY YOU FUCKING DO IT. YOU NEVER DO IT, GET YOUR ASS OUT THERE IM NO DOING THIS SHIT, I'LL DO WHAT YOU'RE DOING. so she goes out there and at 10 til 6, i leave at 6, she comes in telling me that the trash cans need to be changed outside, which she should have done while she was out there w/ the trash bags. im like "what, the 4 by the door?" and like a smart ass bitch shes like "no, there's 7, we have three by the gardening center, 7, YES'
I was walking away when I heard the smart ass "yes" at the end of her sentence, and i fucking snapped. i walked right up to her, got in her face, arms flying and i was like I DONT FUCKING APPRECIATE YOU ACTING LIKE MY BOSS TELLING ME WHAT THE FUCK TO DO. and shes like "i dont appreciate how you dont do anything" so i'm like I DONT DO ANYTHING? YOU DO ALL OF THOSE FIVE MINUTE BULLSHIT THINGS AND MARK IT DOWN ON YOUR STUPID ASS CLIPBOARD TRYING TO MAKE US LOOK BAD WHEN WE'RE OUTSIDE DOING THE THINGS THAT TAKE FUCKING HOURS TO DO AND YOU'RE TELLING ME I DONT DO SHIT?
so i go get the trash, and when i come in i throw one of the bags at her and you hear all of this glass and shes like EXCUSE ME THAT HAD GLASS IN IT. and as i'm walking out of Meijer....after telling myself that I quit, I'm like GOOD, SLIT YOUR FUCKING WRISTS WITH IT.
And that's how I went out.
I've gotta go. Gnight people!!!!!
Where do I begin? Um....I've been working all of the time, hanging with Brian, I went to the Tool show with Spencer, Avon Bryan, Foodle, and Katy...almost died it felt like. Um.......I'm going to Cincinnati on Saturday....drama this drama that. I can't think of what else.
Let me explain.
I've been staying busy at work all of the time. I'm usually there from about noon to almost 10pm....and then after work I'll usually go see Brian and be at his place until crazy late hours, come home, go to bed, go to work and re-do everything. On the 23rd I drove up to Ft. Wayne with Avon Bryan in my passenger seat and Spencer following me with Foodle and Katy. I guess I'm a crazy driver and should be in the Air Force since I weave in and out of people like crazy whoh says both Spencer and Avon Bryan....yeah. I bet I could fly a jet. Anyway, we drove up to Ft. Wayne for the Tool show which was FUCKING AWESOME. I don't care if you don't like Tool, I don't give a flying fuck, I had a blast. We got there 4 hours early and were the first ones in line so we were in the very front row up against the gate and let me tell you, I was bruised on my chest, underboobs, and ribs from being pushed into it. I thought I cracked three of my ribs but they just really hurt. I'm okay now, but the next two days at work were torture. I felt bad for the security guard in front of me because he was always like "you want out?!"
I was beaten, bruised, but it was so worth it.
Before the show started I was talking to the security guard and he ended up talking about how he's never listened to Tool because he listens to christian rock. He asked me if I listened to it and I was like "no I'm pretty much anti-religious so that wouldn't really work for me" and he was like "I feel sorry for you" then later on he was like "Your life will never be the same now that you've met me"
What? My life is a constant change. Everyones life is a constant change. What a nice....weird guy. He gave me a mint which was nice and Avon Bryan kept joking it was X but I knew better. I mean, it tasted like a mint, and it didn't have any side effects haha. Yeah....Melt Banana opened up for them and they were horrible. They're some band from Japan and the vocalist sounds like a parrot.
Brian and I kind of got into a dispute because I went downtown with Spencer. Downtown is supposedly "our" spot so he was kind up upset that I was there with another guy. Old story, we're over it. He ignored me for a bit until I blew up at him with sarcastic text messages during work like "I can pretend I don't care that you're ignoring me but whatever, genius idea by the way, really, I don't know what else could be better for this relationship, really, if you're ignoring me now, why don't you just ignore me for the rest of your life. FUCKING GENIUS"
You know, stuff like that. I'm a sarcastic smart ass.
This Saturday I was going to go to Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom with Brian but we changed our minds after a lady got her legs cut off by one of the rides last week. Yeah, I like my legs. We're now going to some huge ass aquarium near Cincinnati, hanging out downtown, and then going to Hooters on the water. It's only about an hour and half drive so it's closer than Six Flags, cheaper, and I won't lose my legs.
Watch, I just jinxed myself.
Why does Gunney rock? Because of him I can actually go to Ozzfest, and I'm so thankful for that because I was BUMMIN over the fact that I couldn't get a ticket. He was nice enough to give me his extra ticket.

I miss you guys, and I'm really sorry for not being on here as often as I used to be.

I QUIT MEIJER!!!!!!!!!!
Who wants the story? I've got a kick ass story.
I went out with a mother fucking bang.
Okay so there's this girl that worked there named Ashley, well she was a total bitch. She thought she was the boss of everybody and her boyfriend, Brandon, is the third-shift manager so he was always there when we were working. Okay....she had a fucking clipboard with a list of stuff that had to be done and she would walk around with the fucking thing marking our names next to what we did and checking it off when we got it done and she would to all of these little five minute bullshit things while Dustin and I would be out pushing carts for a fucking hour, or doing lot trash which took forever. We had a dust pan, broom, and a trash bag and we'd have to go all through the parking lot, around the bushes, and even behind the buliding using just a fucking dust pan and broom to pick the shit up. IT SUCKED, and took fucking forever. Dustin and I always did it. Well.....Ashley always wandered off all the fucking time and hung out with her boyfriend, Brandon, and wouldn't do jack shit even though she bossed all of us around. Well, the night that I quit, Dustin and I were waiting for her to get back so we could go out and do carts. She said she was going to the back to get a shamrock and L-cart with bags and ended up being gone for 45 minutes so when she gets back shes like "There havent been any carts here for an hour!" So I'm like "if you knew there weren't any carts there why the fuck didnt you get your ass out there yourself and get them?" so Dustin and I go out there, do carts while she's on U-scan. Oh yes people, she's so fucking lazy she won't even get on a regular register.
Did I mention Dustin wasn't even scheduled for that night? Remember that. It would have just been me and her.
Well I'm pissed that she got on us for the carts, so while we're outside getting them I'm like "Dustin, lets clock out for lunch as soon as we get in, at the same time" so we clock out and shes like YOU CAN'T DO THAT, TWO PEOPLE CAN'T TAKE A LUNCH AT THE SAME TIME.
So we're like....fuck you bitch we're clocked out. Well she calls her boyfriend and he calls Dustin and he's like "We need someone on a regular register in case someone with 12 or more items comes to the U-scan" so Dustin is like "well I"m already clocked out what do you want me to do?" and Brandon goes "Just fucking forget it!"
So we enjoy our lunch, come back, and decide that when she goes on lunch we'll do catilina tape, returns, and i-stations, then when she gets back we'll go outside and do lot trash....I'd push around a cart with a trash bag in it while he got the trash that way one of us wouldn't have to carry all of that shit around. Well I ask her when she's going on lunch and tell her that we're going to do stuff when she leaves and she's like "aren't there two of you?" and gives me this smartass look and I"m like "no bitch, there are three of us, congratulations you can count"
so she goes on her lunch. by this time we dont have any customers what so ever so we get our stuff done, and when she gets back we go and do lot trash. by the time we're in the back of the buliding, here comes brandon. he's like "DUSTIN I TOLD YOU SOMEONE NEEDS TO BE ON A REGULAR REGISTER" and dustin is like "IM NOT EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE HERE, IF IT WAS JUST ASHLEY AND CHELSI, CHELSI WOULD BE OUT HERE DOING THIS AND ASHLEY WOULD BE ON U-SCAN, WHY CANT SHE GET ON A REGULAR REGISTER ANYWAY? WE DONT EVEN GET ANY CUSTOMERS THIS LATE." so he ends up going inside to end up standing there doing nothing while im out doing the fucking lot trash BY MYSELF.
well I'm pissed, i finish half of the front and i storm in there and im like ASHLEY YOU FUCKING DO IT. YOU NEVER DO IT, GET YOUR ASS OUT THERE IM NO DOING THIS SHIT, I'LL DO WHAT YOU'RE DOING. so she goes out there and at 10 til 6, i leave at 6, she comes in telling me that the trash cans need to be changed outside, which she should have done while she was out there w/ the trash bags. im like "what, the 4 by the door?" and like a smart ass bitch shes like "no, there's 7, we have three by the gardening center, 7, YES'
I was walking away when I heard the smart ass "yes" at the end of her sentence, and i fucking snapped. i walked right up to her, got in her face, arms flying and i was like I DONT FUCKING APPRECIATE YOU ACTING LIKE MY BOSS TELLING ME WHAT THE FUCK TO DO. and shes like "i dont appreciate how you dont do anything" so i'm like I DONT DO ANYTHING? YOU DO ALL OF THOSE FIVE MINUTE BULLSHIT THINGS AND MARK IT DOWN ON YOUR STUPID ASS CLIPBOARD TRYING TO MAKE US LOOK BAD WHEN WE'RE OUTSIDE DOING THE THINGS THAT TAKE FUCKING HOURS TO DO AND YOU'RE TELLING ME I DONT DO SHIT?
so i go get the trash, and when i come in i throw one of the bags at her and you hear all of this glass and shes like EXCUSE ME THAT HAD GLASS IN IT. and as i'm walking out of Meijer....after telling myself that I quit, I'm like GOOD, SLIT YOUR FUCKING WRISTS WITH IT.
And that's how I went out.
I've gotta go. Gnight people!!!!!
oh mecon, i was laughing on my way home.

yeah, melt banana... not everybody's cup o noise... i love TooL, but i'd havta say MB sux too, just not my thing... nice, stickin up for yourself like that, sometimes ya gotta do it just tae keep yer feckin sanity!