::hugs:: for all of you mother fuckers
ok thats a nice mother fucker not a "fuck you mother fuckers"
i have decided to do another shoot around august. i'll probably have my blue/purple hair by then my guess. the only problem that i can think of is the fact that my friend avon bryan will be shooting it, a guy whom my boyfriend brian doesnt seem to like/trust me hanging out with.....DUN DUN DUN. i havent really brought it up with him yet, but im pretty prepared for a lashing. ok not a lashing, but he's going to be PISSED when i tell him.
i'd rather have a friend take my pictures than some random creep, ya know? and avon bryan is really good with a camera. but yeah, the theme is funny, i think. but knowing how picky SG is they'll probably decline it.
ive been working my two jobs, petsmart/meijer. i put my two weeks in at meijer b/c i was only getting 4-5 hours of sleep a night and i'd be working the rest of the time, but some guy talked to me and was like "we can cut your hours down" so im only working about two days a week starting next week which is going to rock. i'll finally have a life again and i can keep in touch with you guys!!
have you heard of the band stolen babies? i found them on myspace, kinda like em. just thought i'd share. the vocalist is pretty hot too.
i ran into an old friend that came through meijer and gave him my number. he wants to hang out which will be cool cuz it gives me something to do when im not working. we've known each other since we were little but never hung out, wtf is up with that?
im getting a chameleon. he's been at petsmart for a few months and on june 5/6 employees get 30% off so im gonna buy him. he's expensive, $130. but he's totally cute and i fell in love with him. i spray him down and give him water every night i work there so im kind of attached to him. i dont know what i want to name him though......any suggestions? he's a jackson chameleon, and i want a realy weird name. i'll probably think of some tonight at work since i just kind of sit there and do nothing for a few hours when we dont have customers.
im horny.
ha. anyway. i got some earlier and had to leave to go home and im like ;AJSD;LJFA;EJKj damnit b/c i want more. im avid for more passion today, what can i say? did i use that word right? haha. who cares?
its crazy b/c w/ my exes i never wanted to do it and now im like, hey lets gooooooooooooooooo. lets get on this shit. chop chop. take those fucking pants off right now. haha.
i saw shrek 3 today, it was an ok movie, but yeah, i gotta get going so im not late to work, so yeah, have a great night. talk to you guys later.
::hugs:: for all of you mother fuckers
ok thats a nice mother fucker not a "fuck you mother fuckers"
i have decided to do another shoot around august. i'll probably have my blue/purple hair by then my guess. the only problem that i can think of is the fact that my friend avon bryan will be shooting it, a guy whom my boyfriend brian doesnt seem to like/trust me hanging out with.....DUN DUN DUN. i havent really brought it up with him yet, but im pretty prepared for a lashing. ok not a lashing, but he's going to be PISSED when i tell him.
i'd rather have a friend take my pictures than some random creep, ya know? and avon bryan is really good with a camera. but yeah, the theme is funny, i think. but knowing how picky SG is they'll probably decline it.
ive been working my two jobs, petsmart/meijer. i put my two weeks in at meijer b/c i was only getting 4-5 hours of sleep a night and i'd be working the rest of the time, but some guy talked to me and was like "we can cut your hours down" so im only working about two days a week starting next week which is going to rock. i'll finally have a life again and i can keep in touch with you guys!!
have you heard of the band stolen babies? i found them on myspace, kinda like em. just thought i'd share. the vocalist is pretty hot too.
i ran into an old friend that came through meijer and gave him my number. he wants to hang out which will be cool cuz it gives me something to do when im not working. we've known each other since we were little but never hung out, wtf is up with that?
im getting a chameleon. he's been at petsmart for a few months and on june 5/6 employees get 30% off so im gonna buy him. he's expensive, $130. but he's totally cute and i fell in love with him. i spray him down and give him water every night i work there so im kind of attached to him. i dont know what i want to name him though......any suggestions? he's a jackson chameleon, and i want a realy weird name. i'll probably think of some tonight at work since i just kind of sit there and do nothing for a few hours when we dont have customers.
im horny.
ha. anyway. i got some earlier and had to leave to go home and im like ;AJSD;LJFA;EJKj damnit b/c i want more. im avid for more passion today, what can i say? did i use that word right? haha. who cares?
its crazy b/c w/ my exes i never wanted to do it and now im like, hey lets gooooooooooooooooo. lets get on this shit. chop chop. take those fucking pants off right now. haha.
i saw shrek 3 today, it was an ok movie, but yeah, i gotta get going so im not late to work, so yeah, have a great night. talk to you guys later.

Kaleid for kaleidoscope? Its all I could come up with for a lizard's name.
I came up with Boogle. I mixed "Booger" cuz I call him my little booger, and "Google", cuz he has googly eyes. Ha, yeah I'm lame.