I'm half tempted to type in all caps to be obnoxious hahaha. Okay so in my last post I mentioned a few things that I wanted to talk about, and now I've got a few things to add to it. So let me start rambling....
I had an interview with petsmart and I'm really afraid I won't get the job because tomorrow I have to take a piss test. If I fail I don't get it, if I pass I start on Wednesday. I had to run to Kohls the morning before my interview to get an outfit, and I found these cute black pants that make my butt look OH SO CUTE. The people that interviewed me shot these stupid questions at me like "What is Petsmart?" I wanted to be like "It's a store that I'm applying for a job at, morons." but instead I made up some bullshit that I wanted to kick myself for saying lol. Anyway, my friend Allie works there and put a lot of good word in for me.
Brian and I got into it a few days ago. I realized that he's the jealous type. My friend Avon Bryan came up to see me and it was a total surprise. Brian wanted to hang out and got mad that I "fucked him over" and hung out with Avon Bryan instead. That little thing lead to a huge fight and I learned that his twin brother and our friend Seth told him awhile back that they thought I was a little "crazy" in the sexual department before I met him, which is total bullshit. Sure I did maybe two things that were adventurous but come on. So....ever since they told him that it has been bothering him. He knew I wasn't a virgin when we got together so I don't see what the big fucking deal is. I don't plan on going into detail about what I've done with other guys either seeing as how it's in the past and MY business. BUT, we're okay, back to normal. I told him that if he ever shows controlling characteristics that he's pretty much fucked and I'm leaving him, because after being with ex-douchebag I refuse to deal with that shit again.
I'm officially home from BSU. I found out that I passed all of my classes after all which totally surprised me. I'm glad because I was really afraid that I was going to fail 2-3 classes. I miss campus and I miss my friends. The last two weeks I really started to talk to three guy that I can be friends with. That reminds me, Jason and Seth also told Brian that they thought the only reason I had so many guy friends was that they knew I was easy and that's the only reason why they wanted to hang with me. SHITTY. Anyway, my grades weren't great, but I passed.
Mythology - D
English - A
Art History - C
Advertising - C+
Psychology - C-
Philosophy - C
Thirsty Thursday:
The reason I'm afraid I won't pass my piss test is because on the LAST Thirsty Thursday before we all left campus Nevada, Adam, Luke, Matt, AJ and all of us smoked, and then Nevada, Matt, and I participated in a breaking and entering lol. We snuck into the new dorm complex that they're building on campus and we were looking for an opening to the tunnels that go under the campus but couldn't find it, so we just roamed around the new dorm and tried to get caught. The lights were on so we were all like 007 trying not to be seen walking by the windows and what not haha. It was fun, avoided the cameras, roamed around stoned. It was fun.
Sun Burn:
I was out all day a few days ago in my bathing suit hanging with my dogs and cleaning the pond and what not and got burnt, that's my story on that. I have tacky tan lines.
Drunken Confessions:
My friend Craig ended up sending me a text telling me how he cares for me and knows I don't feel the same. So...I told him he was right, I don't, and I simply want to be friends, and he said it was cool. I actually talked to him online today.
AVON BRYAN AND I GOT TOOL TICKETS TO THE SHOW ON JUNE 23RD I'M SO FUCKING EXCITED. Last time I tried getting tickets they couldn't even get into the database because they were selling out so fast, so I got fucked over.
MY FRIEND stewfnrocker told me he may be coming to Indy in July and I'm crossing my fingers that he does because that'd be FUCKING AWESOME to get to meet him.
And now that you're all caught up and I can keep rambling. It's Mother's Day, so happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers out there. I got my mom a pair of kick ass gardening gloves because her old pair kept getting little sticky things in it that you can't see. You know what I'm talking about? They feel like splinters but they're clear and you can't ever find them. Yeah, so I got her a pair that won't let them get to her precious fingers. I got her another wind chime because all of them kept breaking. She loves wind chimes and when her dad was visiting she talked about how she was bummed that they all broke because she used to sit outside and listen to them. So....that's what I got her.
I kind of skipped something this month, took a test, turned out negative, so I don't know what the fuck is going on. I don't want to say anything to Brian and freak him out.
I showed Avon Bryan around campus yesterday because he got accepted to BSU next semester and we hung out at the pond and saw little baby turtles, ducks, and a baby goose that was all cute, yellow, and fluffy. There were turtles everywhere on the edge of the pond sun bathing lol.
Anywho, I don't have much to talk about so everyone have a nice day and hopefully I'll update soon. I don't get the chance to all that often.
I'm half tempted to type in all caps to be obnoxious hahaha. Okay so in my last post I mentioned a few things that I wanted to talk about, and now I've got a few things to add to it. So let me start rambling....
I had an interview with petsmart and I'm really afraid I won't get the job because tomorrow I have to take a piss test. If I fail I don't get it, if I pass I start on Wednesday. I had to run to Kohls the morning before my interview to get an outfit, and I found these cute black pants that make my butt look OH SO CUTE. The people that interviewed me shot these stupid questions at me like "What is Petsmart?" I wanted to be like "It's a store that I'm applying for a job at, morons." but instead I made up some bullshit that I wanted to kick myself for saying lol. Anyway, my friend Allie works there and put a lot of good word in for me.
Brian and I got into it a few days ago. I realized that he's the jealous type. My friend Avon Bryan came up to see me and it was a total surprise. Brian wanted to hang out and got mad that I "fucked him over" and hung out with Avon Bryan instead. That little thing lead to a huge fight and I learned that his twin brother and our friend Seth told him awhile back that they thought I was a little "crazy" in the sexual department before I met him, which is total bullshit. Sure I did maybe two things that were adventurous but come on. So....ever since they told him that it has been bothering him. He knew I wasn't a virgin when we got together so I don't see what the big fucking deal is. I don't plan on going into detail about what I've done with other guys either seeing as how it's in the past and MY business. BUT, we're okay, back to normal. I told him that if he ever shows controlling characteristics that he's pretty much fucked and I'm leaving him, because after being with ex-douchebag I refuse to deal with that shit again.
I'm officially home from BSU. I found out that I passed all of my classes after all which totally surprised me. I'm glad because I was really afraid that I was going to fail 2-3 classes. I miss campus and I miss my friends. The last two weeks I really started to talk to three guy that I can be friends with. That reminds me, Jason and Seth also told Brian that they thought the only reason I had so many guy friends was that they knew I was easy and that's the only reason why they wanted to hang with me. SHITTY. Anyway, my grades weren't great, but I passed.
Mythology - D
English - A
Art History - C
Advertising - C+
Psychology - C-
Philosophy - C
Thirsty Thursday:
The reason I'm afraid I won't pass my piss test is because on the LAST Thirsty Thursday before we all left campus Nevada, Adam, Luke, Matt, AJ and all of us smoked, and then Nevada, Matt, and I participated in a breaking and entering lol. We snuck into the new dorm complex that they're building on campus and we were looking for an opening to the tunnels that go under the campus but couldn't find it, so we just roamed around the new dorm and tried to get caught. The lights were on so we were all like 007 trying not to be seen walking by the windows and what not haha. It was fun, avoided the cameras, roamed around stoned. It was fun.
Sun Burn:
I was out all day a few days ago in my bathing suit hanging with my dogs and cleaning the pond and what not and got burnt, that's my story on that. I have tacky tan lines.
Drunken Confessions:
My friend Craig ended up sending me a text telling me how he cares for me and knows I don't feel the same. So...I told him he was right, I don't, and I simply want to be friends, and he said it was cool. I actually talked to him online today.
AVON BRYAN AND I GOT TOOL TICKETS TO THE SHOW ON JUNE 23RD I'M SO FUCKING EXCITED. Last time I tried getting tickets they couldn't even get into the database because they were selling out so fast, so I got fucked over.
MY FRIEND stewfnrocker told me he may be coming to Indy in July and I'm crossing my fingers that he does because that'd be FUCKING AWESOME to get to meet him.
And now that you're all caught up and I can keep rambling. It's Mother's Day, so happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers out there. I got my mom a pair of kick ass gardening gloves because her old pair kept getting little sticky things in it that you can't see. You know what I'm talking about? They feel like splinters but they're clear and you can't ever find them. Yeah, so I got her a pair that won't let them get to her precious fingers. I got her another wind chime because all of them kept breaking. She loves wind chimes and when her dad was visiting she talked about how she was bummed that they all broke because she used to sit outside and listen to them. So....that's what I got her.
I kind of skipped something this month, took a test, turned out negative, so I don't know what the fuck is going on. I don't want to say anything to Brian and freak him out.
I showed Avon Bryan around campus yesterday because he got accepted to BSU next semester and we hung out at the pond and saw little baby turtles, ducks, and a baby goose that was all cute, yellow, and fluffy. There were turtles everywhere on the edge of the pond sun bathing lol.
Anywho, I don't have much to talk about so everyone have a nice day and hopefully I'll update soon. I don't get the chance to all that often.
SOUNDS TO ME LIKE LIFE IS GOOD! lol! ( didja notice the caps... duh, of course ya did... ) have fun at the tool show, i wish i could afford another, i'm seeing the deftones on saturday... gotta start being miserly with my cash after that cause maggie's gonna be going to school and i haveta help pay for wedding stuff... big hug!

Where you be at? Me miss da Chels