So friday was 4/20.....didn't smoke since im not a big fan of it, instead i drove home, hung w/ brian, nick, jason for a bit, got some, left at 7 in the morning after an hour of sleep to head to bloomington IN for Little 500 which ended up just pissing me off. i got there around 9, brian and i met up w/ nick/jason and hung out in the stadium parking lot for a bit, went to the mall, came back, people started showing up so we threw a football around. jason and nick had some guys phone and we waited on his ass for about a good 4 hours and he never showed up, his friends showed up, so we did nothing until like....3:30 that day, and the people that were there were the stereotypical douchebags w/ popped collars, flipflops, if they werent wearing a shirt its cuz they work out all the time and go tanning during the week and probably work at hollister or some shit. the girls all looked alike with their mini skirts and blonde hair. I LOVED IT. i just fit right in let me tell you. all of us were like......what the fuck is this? immortalloki called me but i had already left and come home. we all ate at rally's around 4 and left. what a waste. i didnt do jack shit down there. i guess my roommate had an awesome time, she roamed the entire campus pretty much and met a bunch of people....but to be honest my roommate is cool but at the same time could easily fit in w/ that crowd. all of our plans went to hell, the people sucked, and we were tired. that was my saturday. i came home, went to walmart and marsh and got stuff for my moms bday, slept, woke up sunday morning, helped around the house, went to dinner w/ my mom gma gpa dad and two other people for my moms bday and then went to see brian and left his place at 1 something, got back up to ball state at 2am monday morning, went to sleep, woke up, went to classes.
and here i am on a tuesday typing this shit out.
immortalloki, thanks for the call
sorry for cutting it short.
hope you had fun saturday night and sunday at the game you were going to go to.
did i mention i got some? i didnt get laid, but i sure as hell got some. FINALLY.
i think brian is coming up tonight to see me so i got up early to clean my room, and i think i'm finally gonna get to do him, wooooooo hooooooo. i'll let you guys know just how that goes.
his twin brother is coming up on thursday to see me and hang out. they're playing the wizard of oz or w/e at pruis hall which is just like a movie theater, and they're playing pink floyd to it i think, you know how you can do that and i goes along w/ the movie and all that jazz........well my friend max and i have myth night class right before it starts so im thinking about having craig get me some everclear and mix it in w/ something and max and i can drink it in myth since we sit in the back hahahahaha, AND THEN go to watch the wizard of oz.....but i've gotta meet up w/ jason before we go.'ll be fun. sounds like a great thirsty thursday to me.
then friday im going to classes, probably riding home w/ jason, seeing brian, hangin w/ him til like.....3 in the morning and we're going to drive up here, sleep, wake up and hang out all day sat, then he'll probably leave sunday morning. thats my story.
love ya guys
have a wonderful week.
seriously, leave me a comment and tell me how you all are doing. i wanna know. thanks
and here i am on a tuesday typing this shit out.
immortalloki, thanks for the call

sorry for cutting it short.
hope you had fun saturday night and sunday at the game you were going to go to.
did i mention i got some? i didnt get laid, but i sure as hell got some. FINALLY.

i think brian is coming up tonight to see me so i got up early to clean my room, and i think i'm finally gonna get to do him, wooooooo hooooooo. i'll let you guys know just how that goes.
his twin brother is coming up on thursday to see me and hang out. they're playing the wizard of oz or w/e at pruis hall which is just like a movie theater, and they're playing pink floyd to it i think, you know how you can do that and i goes along w/ the movie and all that jazz........well my friend max and i have myth night class right before it starts so im thinking about having craig get me some everclear and mix it in w/ something and max and i can drink it in myth since we sit in the back hahahahaha, AND THEN go to watch the wizard of oz.....but i've gotta meet up w/ jason before we go.'ll be fun. sounds like a great thirsty thursday to me.
then friday im going to classes, probably riding home w/ jason, seeing brian, hangin w/ him til like.....3 in the morning and we're going to drive up here, sleep, wake up and hang out all day sat, then he'll probably leave sunday morning. thats my story.
love ya guys

have a wonderful week.
seriously, leave me a comment and tell me how you all are doing. i wanna know. thanks

I'm up here is Atlanta for a few days of computer classes... I spent a while tonight at Barnes and Noble. There was a really cute girl looking at some art books, and I totally wussed out and didn't say anything, and I was even looking as good as i ever do. Oh well. After that I took the book I got and sat outside for a while. There was a herd of some 17-18 year olds that were talking a bunch of nonsense and made me feel like an 85 year old man with his pants hiked up to his nipples yelling at the young whippersnappers. I was doing fine out there until an earwig crawled on my arm and gave me a little pinch. then I took off. but it was almost 1:30 by that point and I have training at 9 (but yet here I am at 12:30 still up, hmmm)
nothing really exciting, but there ya go.
Sorry the lil 500 sucked