Happy birthday to your little man and happy belated to you!!!!! 26 huh!?! Don't worry about 30.... I'm 30 and it's like the new 20!!!!!! I swear!!!! hahahaha
Dude your work is amazing!!!! You have mad talent also!!!!!!! For real it's gorgeous work.
I just saw your blog with that osama = obama video. That is the funniest shit I have seen in a long time!!! I had to run in the other room to laugh because hendrix is sleeping. AAAAHAHAHAHAHA You'd think he would be smart enough to come up with a better cover name, perhaps "Steve" or "Tarrence."
The scary choir music in the background made it even better. Thanks for that laugh.
I am glad you were able to take Ethan out to play.I am doing that today with all the grandkids.And thank you for sharing all that info,it is very helpful.I am hopeing that this warm strek stays for awhile to melt some of this snow away before it snows again.Did you know that you and Ethan have the most beautiful souls I have ever known.Have a great day.
I LOVE your jewelry!!! Do you sell it on Etsy? If not you should! I really want one of your rings. How much are they?
Happy birthday to your little man and happy belated to you!!!!! 26 huh!?! Don't worry about 30.... I'm 30 and it's like the new 20!!!!!! I swear!!!! hahahaha
Dude your work is amazing!!!! You have mad talent also!!!!!!! For real it's gorgeous work.