Buttholes and tattoos, mang. I am SO happy that my first set went live last night, and even more happy that people seem to "get" what I was going for. This is a BIG BIG day in my life as I have made it 10 years through my modeling career without getting naked, but now I'm thinking I should have done it a long time...
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So glad you finally did, too! Stunning set! By the way, totally hope I get to see you again once I move to Vegas next year. That 5 minutes in the graveyard behind Platinum wasn't enough! Lol
Be my friend please?? I'm a newbie, not sure how this works. Thank you!!!
Sugar Baby
Hopeful Set
by cdo
As a scorpio, it's very hard for me to take the advice of "letting go". This summer has been a lesson in seeing people for who they are. They aren't made of nothing but water and shit. We come into this world on our own, and we leave alone. MY life is fantastic, it's everyone else's bullshit that keeps me in this state of stress...
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Not being all "hippie" can be seen as just being more sincere than others. That should be respected much more than telling sweet lies.
I have always lived by the motto " what goes around,comes back stronger!" that works for the positive as well as the negative. If im shown love it will be reciprocated tenfold, but on the other hand if you fuck me over, i will tear you limb from limb. ( i just reread that, was that a bit harsh?) your second paragraph is exactly how i felt when i came up with my latest epiphany in my last blog.
On a lighter note your photos are killer!
On a lighter note your photos are killer!

Let's talk about death baby...
We live and we die. But death is never easy. Sudden or drawn out, it's all the same. There is a process to grievance as I know all too well. I am the last living member of my dad's side of the family, so I know and understand the roller coaster those face when loosing a loved one. But why...
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We live and we die. But death is never easy. Sudden or drawn out, it's all the same. There is a process to grievance as I know all too well. I am the last living member of my dad's side of the family, so I know and understand the roller coaster those face when loosing a loved one. But why...
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"Maybe she'll learn something about what death really is, which is where the pain stops and the good memories begin. Not the end of life but the end of pain."
Pet Sematary Chapter 26 p.167
Pet Sematary Chapter 26 p.167
I enjoyed this blog immensely, very intense read. 

Life is an amazing thing. Just got home from a few shows in Cleveland and Indianapolis. Took some time off to experience the country side of Indiana, and saw things I have never seen before! I think people thought I was joking when I said I had never seen things like, Caterpillars, Lilly Pads and Turtles in the wild! I don't think one can truly...
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Cute suit!
Last night, all was well. Within 10 minutes the Las Vegas sky was black, and a storm was not only brewing, but PISSED. What we were encountering was our first thunderstorm of the well known desert monsoon season. This was unlike anything I had ever seen. If I had not been governmently notified (Hi, Big Brother) I would have thought all the witches crept from...
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I am an Okie and last yr had a big tornao come down my street (re: Woodward, OK 4/15/12) it will humble ya

Just got home from my show in Cleveland, OH at Diamond Men's Club. I still cannot understand why I ALWAYS get a chest cold when I visit humid climates!? Had a lot of fun. I guess my highlight was meeting some really great people and seeing the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Now I just have to twiddle my thumbs until my next show,...
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have fun.


wow !!!!!have always fun gorgeous lady

You are FAN-TAS-TIC!!!
Amazing work <3
Wow! My first official set is posted in member review queue! I have been modeling for many many years, and really wanted to wait until I was in the most opportune time of my life to pose NUDE for the FIRST time! Lots of anxiety and going to have a hard time keeping patient until the set is up!
So excited to be a part...
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So excited to be a part...
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hello hello... you look familiar, have we met before?
Lector!!!! I love you! Thank you Mutant!