So a few of you were wondering what movie I went to see yesterday..
Well I went to see breaking dawn pt 2 with my mom.
Yes I am a twilight fan.
HUGE fan to be exact
I may and/or not have a tat using Edward Cullen's handwriting
Also Edward Cullen Barbie doll and action figure and etc..
I'm just sayin lol
Don't judge me
Have you read the books? I like the book, I think I'll watch for Twilight to come out on DVD before I watch it.
I would sat get the Edward Cullens handwriting. What you gonna get?
Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving
Not gonna be on here for a bit
Been pretty busy
So no bitching if I don't reply to your messages! Lol
Anyways gonna go see a movie with my mommy
Soo today was ridiculously shitty..again.
Not sure if it's possible or not but I think I may be slipping back into depression?
Fuckin sweet.
All day long I just felt nothing at all but also wanted to cry.
Idk maybe I'm just stupid n this will pass..hopefully.
But I did get a nice pick me up when the UPS guy came to my door with... Read More
I am sorry to hear about your dog. My dogs are like my children, they are the only company I have, so I can appreciate your pain.
Unfortunately, I also understand depression, bipolar and a few other mental issues from personal experience. Make sure you seek help before your depression gets control of you. I have been down this road myself.
Hope life will turn around for you soon. Take care and God bless.
I'm hoping that you won't slip back into depression hopefully things will look up i guess that saying is true things have to go bad before they go good. Just hope it doesn't break you take care gorgeous and enjoy your gifts.
Time for one last smokey then goin to bed.
Today was so shitty.
My days just don't seem to be getting better.
And with black Friday beginning on thanksgiving that's messing everything up as well.
Not sure if I'll be able to get my 2 year old son lots of gifts this year.
I'm so sick of bills and student loans that always come at... Read More
I make 'em with grain...but that's the way I roll....
The preventive method described work best, espcially two full glasses of water and aspirin/ibuprofen before passing out.
And 3rd is right about the dialog thingy. It takes some getting used to. This work just enough like FB to forget that it ISN'T FB and some things are different!
Ok people it's Friday!!!!!!
Time to work my ass off. Then go get white girl wasted!!!...
...only to work the rest of the weekend.
But whatever it's Christmas time gotta put in the hours!