im sure this blog is riddled with spelling errors. sorry
im at work!
sorry i have been so absent!!!
this chica has been sooooo busy!!!!!
i photographed my cousins wedding last weekend, which was super stressful, but i got some really good pictures! I was originally going to be their wedding photographer, and then they changed the dates on me to a wedding i had previously said I'd attend, so they had to find someone else. The previous wedding I was going to got "cancelled" (is that what youd say, haha) so I was able to attend my cousins. Since they had already gotten a new photographers, who was really just doing formals, I told her I would follow her around and be her "behind the scenes" photographer. I ended up being alot more last minute. Me and my two sisters set up (primarily alone other than the bride and her mom) because the other bridesmaids were lazy as hell. Then i became a hairdresser. My one sister was in the wedding, and the other got suckered into being a part of the wedding last minute. we also tore everything down, again primarily alone until i couldnt take it anymore. 1 1/2 hours after the reception ended, the lazy bridesmaids returned from "changing at the church" please tell me how it takes that long to get changed??? especially when the church was 5 mins away??? so i ripped them a new one, and left. I never do that. but i did. also, my cousin, her family, and all their friends are really, really, really religious. i got noses turned up at me left and right once people noticed the few tattoos i have visible. that pisses me off. and again, i dont do that. get pissed off. but people just frustrate me. especially in the last few years, when i have grown wiser and more knowledgeable of the world and just how wrong it can be sometimes. more specifically, the people that inhabit it.
anyway, cant wait to show you guys some of the good shots i got at the wedding!!!
i took over 1,000 pics and tagged 266 to edit. wow. i am not a pro *yet* so when i take pics its usually in the 400-500 range, and i only edit 40-60 depending. so this is new for me, and good practice, and im already half done
in funny news, i had to work the fair all last week (mon-sun) for my work because we had a booth [ok, thats not the funny news, that was a not one for the fair anymore. as a kid= wow. now= horrid]. anyway the funny thing was there was a chinese man at a food vendor down from me and i was smoking behind our tent and he kept smiling at me and holding up his pointer finger. i thought it maybe meant something cool to him (it awes me how different cultures are, so i thought maybe it was a cultural thing)...well 5 mins later i found out what he was doing was asking me for a cigarette. but the funny part was that he came over and said "excuse me miss, may i buy piece of cigarette?" i obviously KNEW he wanted A cigarette, not a piece of one, so i said "oh sure, youd like a cigarette?" and he said "no no no, just a piece." so i handed him a cigarette, he broke it in half and took off. ok, myabe you had to be there. it was funny.
not so funny things about the fair:
-the dress code seems to be: be fat, wear a belly shirt so your stomach is completely exposed and then pair that belly shirt with shorts that are so tight they cant fit wear they need to, so you where them at the lowest, smallest part of your hips, so your ass crack hangs out.
-some of the "ride guys" aka carnies (nothing against that, i wanted to be a carnie when i was little *wink*) and food vendors, think its ok to stalk you if you have two legs and are female. i feel dirty just from hearing some of the things they said to me.
-its hot. really hot. and you sweat. and then you have to sell cell phones. sweating. eww.
-i just want to walk around and enjoy myself and cant.
-tent was located right off the horse track. i had to witness horses being whipped. and i was not happy. it made my heart hurt and i might have yelled at the horse people from time to time to stop being cruel.
-because our tent was right by the track the big ole bee things that tunnel under the ground were tunneled under the track and kept trying to eat me. i swear they are like hybrid killer bees. they are three inches long and look like enormous wasps that are yellow and black, and FAT.
-tractor pull days suck. diesel smoke EVERYWHERE. i cant even describe the filth that i showered off of me last night. whyd we have to be right off the track? oh, and they are noisy. i love tractors (hello, iowa girl) but not the sound of heavily modified engines all day, everyday. my ears hurt.
ummm. what else? my sister got me this REALLY pretty owl ring that i am in love with
i cant upload right now to show you how pretty it is
its gold and white and BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!
my boyfriend chopped his hair off a lil while back, and im missing his long curls!
but he still looks good!
well, i better get back to work!!!
x's and o's to ya

sorry i have been so absent!!!
this chica has been sooooo busy!!!!!
i photographed my cousins wedding last weekend, which was super stressful, but i got some really good pictures! I was originally going to be their wedding photographer, and then they changed the dates on me to a wedding i had previously said I'd attend, so they had to find someone else. The previous wedding I was going to got "cancelled" (is that what youd say, haha) so I was able to attend my cousins. Since they had already gotten a new photographers, who was really just doing formals, I told her I would follow her around and be her "behind the scenes" photographer. I ended up being alot more last minute. Me and my two sisters set up (primarily alone other than the bride and her mom) because the other bridesmaids were lazy as hell. Then i became a hairdresser. My one sister was in the wedding, and the other got suckered into being a part of the wedding last minute. we also tore everything down, again primarily alone until i couldnt take it anymore. 1 1/2 hours after the reception ended, the lazy bridesmaids returned from "changing at the church" please tell me how it takes that long to get changed??? especially when the church was 5 mins away??? so i ripped them a new one, and left. I never do that. but i did. also, my cousin, her family, and all their friends are really, really, really religious. i got noses turned up at me left and right once people noticed the few tattoos i have visible. that pisses me off. and again, i dont do that. get pissed off. but people just frustrate me. especially in the last few years, when i have grown wiser and more knowledgeable of the world and just how wrong it can be sometimes. more specifically, the people that inhabit it.
anyway, cant wait to show you guys some of the good shots i got at the wedding!!!

in funny news, i had to work the fair all last week (mon-sun) for my work because we had a booth [ok, thats not the funny news, that was a not one for the fair anymore. as a kid= wow. now= horrid]. anyway the funny thing was there was a chinese man at a food vendor down from me and i was smoking behind our tent and he kept smiling at me and holding up his pointer finger. i thought it maybe meant something cool to him (it awes me how different cultures are, so i thought maybe it was a cultural thing)...well 5 mins later i found out what he was doing was asking me for a cigarette. but the funny part was that he came over and said "excuse me miss, may i buy piece of cigarette?" i obviously KNEW he wanted A cigarette, not a piece of one, so i said "oh sure, youd like a cigarette?" and he said "no no no, just a piece." so i handed him a cigarette, he broke it in half and took off. ok, myabe you had to be there. it was funny.
not so funny things about the fair:
-the dress code seems to be: be fat, wear a belly shirt so your stomach is completely exposed and then pair that belly shirt with shorts that are so tight they cant fit wear they need to, so you where them at the lowest, smallest part of your hips, so your ass crack hangs out.
-some of the "ride guys" aka carnies (nothing against that, i wanted to be a carnie when i was little *wink*) and food vendors, think its ok to stalk you if you have two legs and are female. i feel dirty just from hearing some of the things they said to me.
-its hot. really hot. and you sweat. and then you have to sell cell phones. sweating. eww.
-i just want to walk around and enjoy myself and cant.
-tent was located right off the horse track. i had to witness horses being whipped. and i was not happy. it made my heart hurt and i might have yelled at the horse people from time to time to stop being cruel.
-because our tent was right by the track the big ole bee things that tunnel under the ground were tunneled under the track and kept trying to eat me. i swear they are like hybrid killer bees. they are three inches long and look like enormous wasps that are yellow and black, and FAT.
-tractor pull days suck. diesel smoke EVERYWHERE. i cant even describe the filth that i showered off of me last night. whyd we have to be right off the track? oh, and they are noisy. i love tractors (hello, iowa girl) but not the sound of heavily modified engines all day, everyday. my ears hurt.
ummm. what else? my sister got me this REALLY pretty owl ring that i am in love with

my boyfriend chopped his hair off a lil while back, and im missing his long curls!

well, i better get back to work!!!
x's and o's to ya

But if not, I'm sure we'll cross paths eventually. I try to go to all the Columbus events I can! I'd like to meet you too. If nothing else, we always can talk about true blood.
Then again I see you like I smell a KARAOKE buddy?? Beware I've been known to drag folks.
I go to Deanos sometimes on 161 when I visit.....I lived on the NE side of town when I lived up there so that's the area I know best. Now I KNOW we are going to have to eventually hook up for sure. At least for karaoke if nothing else!!
Thank you