So for those of you who don't know, I run @COOKIEMONSTERCREATIONS on Instagram. I am in fact THE Cookie Monster. It's coming up on our favorite day of the week, #sundies ! So i decided it's finally time to do some posting on the SG site since all you beautiful ladies are my biggest clients. If any of you are interested, the personalized panties run $25 shipped. They are 95% cotton, 5% nylon. I haven't tried them on myself but I hear they are super comfy. We use heavy duty nylon for the names and logos so they won't peel or fade anytime soon. And they are all pretty true to size. And now I'll share some #cookiemonstercrew butts for your enjoyment
And don't for get we have shirts too! Logo shirts are $18 shipped, "Keep Calm" shirts are $23
And last but certainly not least, @gogo
I want to thank all of these gorgeous ladies for joining the crew and representing my brand. I couldn't have gotten where I'm at without your help. I love you all 😁😊