SERIOUSLY? I'm sooo done reading and hearing about lame ass baseball players!
look at me, I get paid a million billion dollars to chew tobacco and hit a ball with a stick.....
get over it, get over it now... put one of these over paid nancy pants fags on the 40 yard line
for just ONE play, and see if he can walk off the field...put him on a basketball court for 3 minutes
and watch him collapse from exhaustion, they take themselves wayyyyy too seriously! I mean it.
JEALOUS you say? NOPE! Mens gymnasts , N.B.A. players, swimmers, all perfect bodies, and rich but
no hatin on try is a list of people I would rather be than an M.L.B. player ; Steve Jobs, Michael Jackson, Osama Bin Laden, Dick Clark, oh wait! those people are dead, my bad, let me list live
people ; Richard Simmons, the sham wow guy, the homeless guy holding a sign on 126 and Colerain, Kanye West, and John Edwards....The point is this, if you make THAT much money, you should appreciate it, and quit being so neurotic, self centered, and lame, I mean if they cry about fans talking shit, and getting a pic taken
of them off the field, imagine the tears flowing if one of these douche bags had to have a REAL job!!

look at me, I get paid a million billion dollars to chew tobacco and hit a ball with a stick.....
get over it, get over it now... put one of these over paid nancy pants fags on the 40 yard line
for just ONE play, and see if he can walk off the field...put him on a basketball court for 3 minutes
and watch him collapse from exhaustion, they take themselves wayyyyy too seriously! I mean it.
JEALOUS you say? NOPE! Mens gymnasts , N.B.A. players, swimmers, all perfect bodies, and rich but
no hatin on try is a list of people I would rather be than an M.L.B. player ; Steve Jobs, Michael Jackson, Osama Bin Laden, Dick Clark, oh wait! those people are dead, my bad, let me list live
people ; Richard Simmons, the sham wow guy, the homeless guy holding a sign on 126 and Colerain, Kanye West, and John Edwards....The point is this, if you make THAT much money, you should appreciate it, and quit being so neurotic, self centered, and lame, I mean if they cry about fans talking shit, and getting a pic taken
of them off the field, imagine the tears flowing if one of these douche bags had to have a REAL job!!

hahahah I feel you on this subject! some people, lucky enough to not have to care about money, will never understand what it means waking up in the early morning and fuckin' working your ass off 'till sundown -.-