Mayhem fest 2012 in Cincinnati Tuesday, is anyone going? should kick ass!
I had a dream that I was sleeping...when i woke up I was having a dream that i woke up...but I was still asleep :o 

One must truly learn before he can teach..."Water nurtures and sustains all living things, and yet it seeks nothing for itself-it always flows to the lowest spot."...we should all learn from this..
SERIOUSLY? I'm sooo done reading and hearing about lame ass baseball players!
look at me, I get paid a million billion dollars to chew tobacco and hit a ball with a stick.....
get over it, get over it now... put one of these over paid nancy pants fags on the 40 yard line
for just ONE play, and see if he can walk off the...
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look at me, I get paid a million billion dollars to chew tobacco and hit a ball with a stick.....
get over it, get over it now... put one of these over paid nancy pants fags on the 40 yard line
for just ONE play, and see if he can walk off the...
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hahahah I feel you on this subject! some people, lucky enough to not have to care about money, will never understand what it means waking up in the early morning and fuckin' working your ass off 'till sundown -.-
,,freckles are absolutely sexii! just sayin...

lets see.... I can't find a gf or even a girl.friend. is it because I make a decent living? Is it because I manage high end rental property? Is it because I own 19 units of rental property? Is it because I own a painting business? I sit because I put the girls needs and feelings first? Hmmm I know what it is! thanks Yahoo,...
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what?!?! I love hondas! My boyfriend drives a typical Silver Honda Civic, and i drive a Honda Element.. I don't see whats wrong with that!
The only time i would not give a guy a second chance is if he had a ridiculous car like painted some crazy color with hydraulics and cheetah print interior lmao!
The only time i would not give a guy a second chance is if he had a ridiculous car like painted some crazy color with hydraulics and cheetah print interior lmao!
Well thanks! and bahaha cheetah print lol
You know your life sucks when you are lying in bed @ 3:30 alone listening to Kid Rock thinking " Kid Rock isn't so bad " ...

its too early to be this early...

Strong Challenge...
Okay so today I didn't run into someone to do my challenge with, so I will post it here ,
Before my relationship with Jesus, I did pretty much whatever I wanted too, no matter what anyone else may have thought or even felt... Just because it suited me at the time. When I was 21, I learned about God and Jesus, but,...
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Okay so today I didn't run into someone to do my challenge with, so I will post it here ,
Before my relationship with Jesus, I did pretty much whatever I wanted too, no matter what anyone else may have thought or even felt... Just because it suited me at the time. When I was 21, I learned about God and Jesus, but,...
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okay sooooo I totally asked a blind lady when she wanted to come
"look" at an apt. :o whaaaaa? lol leave it to me...
"look" at an apt. :o whaaaaa? lol leave it to me...

im sure she knew you didn't mean it that way lol.