So, we all know that tomorrow is Wednesday, for those that know me they know it’s #onesieWednesday. So here, for those that might be a bit behind, are a few of the previous weeks.
from week 1 Superman to week 2 bobba fetts cousin, blobba fatt! 😁 then onto
wk3 pikachu gave way to wk4 eeyore
These led into
wk5 rocking the unicorn onesie, wk 6 the cool penguin
Wk7 daddy shark doo doo doo doo doo doo, wk 8 a mouse, but have since been informed its a japanese anime character totoro 😁, said mouse when I ordered it though 😂😂
and last weeks was the lion, so now you’re all up to date and will have to tune in tomorrow for this weeks instalment of #onesieWednesday