So, it’s come around again so quickly, on-site Wednesday! So this week I got up and looked at the onesies and really couldn’t pick or choose one..... so that’s the onesie I am wearing... pikachu!
It’s amazing how much space people give you when you’re dressed in a bright yellow onesie! At least my social distancing measures are in place. In true fashion I had to go do the pub shop for the week... off to makro. Guess that meant pokemon go!
I really couldn’t pick a chew either, so bought a selection to keep me wired! Now back from my trip, I’m back in Isolation, kind of, sat in the only bit of garden I have at my pub.... outside the front door, so at least I am keeping my aim of making at least one person a day smile!
So happy onesie Wednesday people, stay safe and always be happy, there are worse things in life than spending a day dressed in a onesie, but for now I’m embracing it. Thanks for reading and see you all next week 😁😉😍