and I just wanted to make a comment regardless of whether anyone reads this or not. I understand people have busy lives and other things to take up their time but I really don't think sets should be allowed into member review when the lady in question has a completely blank profile other than her member review set. I realize the site owners are going...
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While I am grateful for the internet as it provides awesome communities like SG it also reminds me that a vast amount of humanity is beyond saving and why I stay in my house more than I go out. I am referring to the latest internet sensation who tweeted a picture of herself dressed as the boston marathon bombing victim for halloween. Yes, it was...
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As I am moving very soon and I was working for an absolutely shit company I quit my job earlier than I had planned. As a result I have had quite a bit of free time on my hands and I have been spending lots of that time on this site. It is quite obvious that the site owners are not going to roll back...
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I realize now that despite the alpha state of this site redesign and the general removal of a real feeling of community I realize now that I really cannot leave this site despite how much I really do not like the redesign. I joined this site because of the hopefuls and I am going to stay because of them. The hopefuls are the ones that...
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I guess I should start by saying that if you are sensitive to criticism then do not post a forum topic asking for criticism and yes that is directed to the owners of this site. I have been a member of this site for many years and my old account was disabled by someone here that I apparently upset with my comments about the site...
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