And I'm back. Everything went great. Probably one of the best years so far. Since we didn't have the girls to get ready in the morning the wife got to come in early with me everyday. I got to her a bit by saturday but she was a trooper. Today I was back to work. I guess it was a bit of a clusterfuck while I was gone but I only got a couple of calls and a few texts so they made it with out me. The owner was very happy I am back, I saw on the computer labor thing he worked 56 hours while I was gone.
I ended up making our normal monthly income in 5 days. That is why I can't stop doing it. I would love to just stick it in the bank and leave it as a 1 month cushion and set up all my bills to draw automatically so I can get my credit score up. Evidently last time the wife got low and didn't pay the bills it was all the ones in my name. Sam's lowered my credit limit ha ha now I can only buy $400 worth of cheesy poofs and toilet paper. Not a huge deal but ind of irks me a bit because I thought we were doing better, and we are, just not in all area's evidently. Ha speaking of shitty things we had a bit of a pregnancy scare this week as well. Fucking crazy! The wife, who is generally as on schedule as a German train, was like a week late. She blames it on the "super moon" or some such thing needless to say we were both praying for blood for a couple days. I had already picked out a girl name. As much as I was dreading the thought of another child, once she was concerned I just knew she was going to be knocked up. I was wrong thank god. One of us needs to get snipped probably the first one to get enough sick days.
Ms. Sun and my Mom are rolling to D.C. for a week. They will see my youngest brother in Virginia Beach and my middle brother will come up to D.C. with my nephew. I no longer have a niece. That adoption fell through and the girls has been placed in a different home. My brother is torn up about it and it sucks but the girl didn't take to them and screamed every waking moment for three months straight. She got kicked out of day care for violent behavior. Anytime they would take her out in public she would run to other people and try to get them to take her away. She was diagnosed with some mental break from moving and they told them she would never settle in to their house and she needed to be placed with people that basically didn't work or go anywhere. They found a couple with a stay at home mom and a dad that worked 2 weeks a month and suggested they place her there and they did. Any way Ms. Sun is excited about her trip. Tonight will be a lot of packing and jabbering with excited energy I'm sure.
I need to go to the store. Peace out SG.
I ended up making our normal monthly income in 5 days. That is why I can't stop doing it. I would love to just stick it in the bank and leave it as a 1 month cushion and set up all my bills to draw automatically so I can get my credit score up. Evidently last time the wife got low and didn't pay the bills it was all the ones in my name. Sam's lowered my credit limit ha ha now I can only buy $400 worth of cheesy poofs and toilet paper. Not a huge deal but ind of irks me a bit because I thought we were doing better, and we are, just not in all area's evidently. Ha speaking of shitty things we had a bit of a pregnancy scare this week as well. Fucking crazy! The wife, who is generally as on schedule as a German train, was like a week late. She blames it on the "super moon" or some such thing needless to say we were both praying for blood for a couple days. I had already picked out a girl name. As much as I was dreading the thought of another child, once she was concerned I just knew she was going to be knocked up. I was wrong thank god. One of us needs to get snipped probably the first one to get enough sick days.
Ms. Sun and my Mom are rolling to D.C. for a week. They will see my youngest brother in Virginia Beach and my middle brother will come up to D.C. with my nephew. I no longer have a niece. That adoption fell through and the girls has been placed in a different home. My brother is torn up about it and it sucks but the girl didn't take to them and screamed every waking moment for three months straight. She got kicked out of day care for violent behavior. Anytime they would take her out in public she would run to other people and try to get them to take her away. She was diagnosed with some mental break from moving and they told them she would never settle in to their house and she needed to be placed with people that basically didn't work or go anywhere. They found a couple with a stay at home mom and a dad that worked 2 weeks a month and suggested they place her there and they did. Any way Ms. Sun is excited about her trip. Tonight will be a lot of packing and jabbering with excited energy I'm sure.
I need to go to the store. Peace out SG.
Glad the Quaker tour was rewarding.
trust me dude,
the vasectomy really isn't bad
especially when compared to the alternative consequences . . .