Time for a new blog I suppose. Not much to say. I got called in on my day off for some stupidity. It only took and hour but still, blah. I am having Turkish with the wife for lunch which is always good. I want to go to a movies with the girls but they have seen the only two kid movies that are out now. The mother in law screwed me out of getting to see Epic in the theater as I predicted. I want to make something awesome for dinner but I can't settle on a complete meal idea. All the things in my head would make for a pretty eclectic buffet but I would have to invite a lot of company to justify making it. It will come together eventually. I have a couple daddy projects to tend to so I will purve later. Enjoy the beautiful day SG.

Yeah, the high pain tolerance thing is boggling to me. Like, when doctors look at me when I'm dying and I'm like, dude, high pain threshold some people have it. And in this case very much genetic. I'm always surprised that they are surprised for some reason. ha ha.