This crazy ass weather has taken out the wife with a migraine so I am watching robot fighting by myself. I opened so I got off at four and picked up the girls early. We had chili cheese tater tots and tiny burgers for dinner. The girls had planned on having Ms. Sun's best friend and her sister, who is The Ziz's age over to play. That usually doesn't happen on days when I am home so that was kind of odd. Me and a heard of girls. They pretty much took care of themselves but once again I was reminded that my next house should have two bathrooms. I also got to meet the Dad. I had only met the Mom once at a birthday party. The wife has met them both lots so I was prepared. He seemed like a nice enough guy. He has dropped the n bomb around the wife a couple times and I got the story of how they have a giant Rotty that "hates colored people". Ah the mid-west gotta love it. Their kids are sweet and our girls know that we do not share her dad's world view. He told me he doesn't even like his girls to go outside. That explains why they look like elves I suppose. They are both see through pale and tiny. They are identical in age to the girls but my girls look like amazons next to them. I think when I dreamed of having kids I assumed they would just be friends with my friends kids. In reality your kids make their own friends and you have no idea who their parents are going to be.
I am off tomorrow. It is supposed to be nasty all day. Best case scenario the Wife cries headache and takes the day off and we spend the day in bed. It would be better if the headache went away obviously but not til like nine because she never fakes sick for work. Never, its disgusting.
I guess I don't have any good pics tonight. I am off to purve. See ya SG.
I am off tomorrow. It is supposed to be nasty all day. Best case scenario the Wife cries headache and takes the day off and we spend the day in bed. It would be better if the headache went away obviously but not til like nine because she never fakes sick for work. Never, its disgusting.
I guess I don't have any good pics tonight. I am off to purve. See ya SG.
I know! LOL it's like the history of physical fitness