After five days the wife's migraine subsided and just hours before I got to shoot her up with toradol. I never get to have any fun. We spent yesterday digging out the house doing copious amounts of dishes and laundry.
Yesterday was warm out but I spent the day inside. The next two days when I am off it is going to be 1degree. Right now it is 8 degrees. I believe that would count as colder than a witches tit, though most of the wiccan chicks I have known had normally warm boobs. Who knows where that expression comes from. Colder than a well diggers ass I understand. Maybe that is the expression I should use. It is colder than a well diggers ass outside.
The girls and the wife all had the day off while I worked. The girls drove the wife nuts, a short drive it's true, but I see an early bed time in their future. The wife has very little tolerance for bitchery and woe. I hope they haven't done irreparable damage to her mood because I have been thinking about warming her up all day. Oh well we'll see. Peace out SG.
Yesterday was warm out but I spent the day inside. The next two days when I am off it is going to be 1degree. Right now it is 8 degrees. I believe that would count as colder than a witches tit, though most of the wiccan chicks I have known had normally warm boobs. Who knows where that expression comes from. Colder than a well diggers ass I understand. Maybe that is the expression I should use. It is colder than a well diggers ass outside.
The girls and the wife all had the day off while I worked. The girls drove the wife nuts, a short drive it's true, but I see an early bed time in their future. The wife has very little tolerance for bitchery and woe. I hope they haven't done irreparable damage to her mood because I have been thinking about warming her up all day. Oh well we'll see. Peace out SG.
Warming up. Nice! Fingers and toes crossed!
8 degrees! Holy hell!