So I have some whiney bitchery to get to but first things first. All Hail Amarena and her sexy ass newly pink self. I have been waiting for this chick to go pink since literally the first night I joined SG. She was my second friend and one of the few people that actually conversed with me when I was new. She is awesome and I am so happy for her. All her sets are great and I don't even know which one they bought.
So, work. Work has been busy and hellish and yesterday instead of getting ahead for the weekend I had to cater an off sight passed hors function at a fashion show. It was lame and slow moving and then when it was all over the owner came by and was kind of a dick about how things have been going and said we were going to have a meeting today about shit. I came home pissed because while we are under staffed a lot of our problem is that we aren't using people to their strengths like we should but that is not in my control right now I just have to do what needs done and what the exec and GM want. So I stewed and was pissy and bitched about it to the wife. She had that kind of worried yet bemused look on her face that said " I know you are going to go in tomorrow and speak your mind. I hope you don't get canned but if you do at least make it be a good story." I went in early and got some shit done and things set up for my new hire to start today so we didn't scare him away right away. When the owner came in he started giving me some good natured shit and said something about needing to get ahead. I told him I had been trying to get a day ahead for a freaking month and things were so fucked I couldn't get 5 minutes ahead and expressed a bit of my frustration. When we had our meeting it ended up being to tell the exec to let me do more and take over some of the ordering duties and banquet duties that he keeps screwing up making my life difficult. In the the end he took me in the back and slipped me $200 and thanked me for kicking ass.
Tomorrow I have to work a bit on my day off but I won't have to be there long. The girls are going out of town for the weekend so I will be alone for a couple days. That will be nice.
Turns out the girls are gone next weekend so I will be working my ass off all weekend while they are home. GRRR. I worked 6 to 1 today on my day off just to make sure I don't get screwed tomorrow because things are so crazy. Tuesday I am taking off for real.
So, work. Work has been busy and hellish and yesterday instead of getting ahead for the weekend I had to cater an off sight passed hors function at a fashion show. It was lame and slow moving and then when it was all over the owner came by and was kind of a dick about how things have been going and said we were going to have a meeting today about shit. I came home pissed because while we are under staffed a lot of our problem is that we aren't using people to their strengths like we should but that is not in my control right now I just have to do what needs done and what the exec and GM want. So I stewed and was pissy and bitched about it to the wife. She had that kind of worried yet bemused look on her face that said " I know you are going to go in tomorrow and speak your mind. I hope you don't get canned but if you do at least make it be a good story." I went in early and got some shit done and things set up for my new hire to start today so we didn't scare him away right away. When the owner came in he started giving me some good natured shit and said something about needing to get ahead. I told him I had been trying to get a day ahead for a freaking month and things were so fucked I couldn't get 5 minutes ahead and expressed a bit of my frustration. When we had our meeting it ended up being to tell the exec to let me do more and take over some of the ordering duties and banquet duties that he keeps screwing up making my life difficult. In the the end he took me in the back and slipped me $200 and thanked me for kicking ass.
Tomorrow I have to work a bit on my day off but I won't have to be there long. The girls are going out of town for the weekend so I will be alone for a couple days. That will be nice.
Turns out the girls are gone next weekend so I will be working my ass off all weekend while they are home. GRRR. I worked 6 to 1 today on my day off just to make sure I don't get screwed tomorrow because things are so crazy. Tuesday I am taking off for real.
Thank you, sir.