Happy holiday stoners. We got an odd rush right at five tonight. All of the sudden we were full when we usually don't get a ticket til six or so. I blame the fools smoking at 4:20 on 4/20 and getting hungry. The game has slowed a bit for me at work so I am not quite so exhausted at the end of the day. It is still busy but I know what's coming and what needs to be done so I handle it better. Today the wife and her office people came out to lunch. The wife got to meet the Exec and we sent them one of every dessert for free, which was fun.
I got a call from my buddy that has been mentally out of commission for a while and he seems to have come back to the world. He texted my some shit about was I dead or just waiting for his drugs to kick in. I assured him I was alive just super busy with work. Last time I saw him I had to talk his parents into letting me take him out which sucked. I suppose that fact did keep me away to some degree because his parents have never liked me and I have known him since he was twelve. Eh screw em.
I am off like a prom dress.
I got a call from my buddy that has been mentally out of commission for a while and he seems to have come back to the world. He texted my some shit about was I dead or just waiting for his drugs to kick in. I assured him I was alive just super busy with work. Last time I saw him I had to talk his parents into letting me take him out which sucked. I suppose that fact did keep me away to some degree because his parents have never liked me and I have known him since he was twelve. Eh screw em.
I am off like a prom dress.