Fuck Best Buy squa' in the ass. So as I am sure you all know all of those glass front i "blank" things are very fragile. I killed the glass on my new i pod thing a week after I got it. I did not have the protection plan because it was a gift and the last one we got from there was a total scam so I wouldn't have bought it any way. So i was expecting 80 bucks because that is what they told TreeThingBlue it would cost to fix his similarly afflicted phone. So, I wait till they open(with about 20 other fools) and get to see the geek. He won't even tell me how much to fix it and tells me to just buy a new one. I insist on a price and am told 80 to 150 dollars and the 80 is up front and more to pay when it gets back. $150 for a piece of glass on a thing that only cost $180, suck my balls. I didn't tell him that because I was his first customer of the day and nobody wants to start their day like that. So I went home and googled "how do i fix the glass on my i pod" and found a place to sell me a replacement glass and button for 50 bucks and a youtube video showing exactly how to do it in 1min 27 secs. I imagine it will take me more time than that but it looked like something I could do. If it works I will pass it on. I am a bit of a technophobe and I knew that if I got an i pod I would kill it but I thought I could last longer than a week. It has served as a lesson to Ms. Sun not to leave her Kindle on the floor or out of its case.
Work pissed me off yesterday. The jack ass that is the head of maintenance decided not to tell anyone that he was going to turn the power off in the building for the whole morning so I got there just in time to be in the dark for three hours. So on top of all the other stupid shit he pulled this week I also had my whole crew there cleaning in the dark setting us back even more. I was pissed all day and I am very bad at not letting my face show my disgust so everyone knew something was wrong but just assumed that I was getting sick with what the girls had. So today they were expecting me to be sick and so I called and said I was. It will be more hours for a couple guys that needed them and I was sick of cleaning any way. I will be so happy on friday when I can get back to cooking.
So the new year is starting off pretty crazy. 50 degree january, that's a little creepy. The wife has resolved to do a load of dishes everyday. So far so good on that one, she is better at setting and achieving goals than I am. I have decided to eat less and exercise more. By more I mean some as opposed to none. I have bought actual tennis shoes. I have not had a pair of tennis shoes other than chucks since I was 15 years old. They are my first pair of air sole shoes that weren't docs. I have gone walking two nights this week and have bought a basketball so I can take the girls to the rec place and play with them on the kid court. I weighed my self at my mom's yesterday for the first time since before the holidays and not only did I not weigh more, I weighed a couple pounds less. Not weighing more is a good start, now I finally know how all those scrawny people feel when they say "I eat all the time I just can't seem to gain any weight" saying that feels good I can see why they are constantly saying it. I can't diet so I am just going to focus on portion control and not eating late. The time will be the hardest because I work late and rarely eat at work. The wife has really been trying to improve herself lately and in spite of our long standing agreement I have to start improving my self too and not wait for her to fulfill her end of the bargain. It is hard to motivate because I am pretty content how I am and I know how to cook almost anything my mouth desires. So like they say about addicts you can't help them unless they want help, I don't want help and so cannot be motivated by me. I choose to be motivated by the wife, my future health is a source of stress for her and her stress load is what keeps her down. We will see how long I can stay motivated to exercise, it has never been my strong suit and smacks in the face of my Economy of Motion philosophy.
A little Bob to brighten your day
Yesterday was my dad's birthday, he would have been 61. I usually drink a guinness for him. Tomorrow is my mom and my wife's birthday. My mom will be 60 and the wife 35. I have no idea what to get my mom. 60 is a big deal.
Well I should get back to my laundry Peace out SG.
Work pissed me off yesterday. The jack ass that is the head of maintenance decided not to tell anyone that he was going to turn the power off in the building for the whole morning so I got there just in time to be in the dark for three hours. So on top of all the other stupid shit he pulled this week I also had my whole crew there cleaning in the dark setting us back even more. I was pissed all day and I am very bad at not letting my face show my disgust so everyone knew something was wrong but just assumed that I was getting sick with what the girls had. So today they were expecting me to be sick and so I called and said I was. It will be more hours for a couple guys that needed them and I was sick of cleaning any way. I will be so happy on friday when I can get back to cooking.
So the new year is starting off pretty crazy. 50 degree january, that's a little creepy. The wife has resolved to do a load of dishes everyday. So far so good on that one, she is better at setting and achieving goals than I am. I have decided to eat less and exercise more. By more I mean some as opposed to none. I have bought actual tennis shoes. I have not had a pair of tennis shoes other than chucks since I was 15 years old. They are my first pair of air sole shoes that weren't docs. I have gone walking two nights this week and have bought a basketball so I can take the girls to the rec place and play with them on the kid court. I weighed my self at my mom's yesterday for the first time since before the holidays and not only did I not weigh more, I weighed a couple pounds less. Not weighing more is a good start, now I finally know how all those scrawny people feel when they say "I eat all the time I just can't seem to gain any weight" saying that feels good I can see why they are constantly saying it. I can't diet so I am just going to focus on portion control and not eating late. The time will be the hardest because I work late and rarely eat at work. The wife has really been trying to improve herself lately and in spite of our long standing agreement I have to start improving my self too and not wait for her to fulfill her end of the bargain. It is hard to motivate because I am pretty content how I am and I know how to cook almost anything my mouth desires. So like they say about addicts you can't help them unless they want help, I don't want help and so cannot be motivated by me. I choose to be motivated by the wife, my future health is a source of stress for her and her stress load is what keeps her down. We will see how long I can stay motivated to exercise, it has never been my strong suit and smacks in the face of my Economy of Motion philosophy.
A little Bob to brighten your day
Yesterday was my dad's birthday, he would have been 61. I usually drink a guinness for him. Tomorrow is my mom and my wife's birthday. My mom will be 60 and the wife 35. I have no idea what to get my mom. 60 is a big deal.
Well I should get back to my laundry Peace out SG.