I was trying to post "happy time" bit this will have to do.
I am so ready to be off for three days in a row even if it is Christmas and my house will be full of other people. This was supposed to be a slow week but now I have two funeral lunches to do and today out of the blue we had like 80 people for lunch which hasn't happened in months. Blah.
Friday the wife went out to chill with TreeThingBlue and his girl friend and a few others. He had invited me over but when I got home I was exhausted and she was testy. If I had said "I'm going out" she would have been cool but not cool about it so I suggested that she go over instead. That usually gets shot down immediately but this time after about five minutes she was asking if I thought it would be cool for her to go over. Hell yes, please get out of the house and have some adult interaction. So She went over and had a great time just chilling with grown ups for a while. Til 1:30 or so which is late for her. So in her absence I drank a little Beam and had a couple bowls and wrote this weird little song for her:
This is the very rough version I made that night so I wouldn't forget how it went. ( I don't know how many times I have written a weird little song while I was tore up only to not be able to figure out how it went the next day.) It is basically a song about how we need a vacation. We like to vacation in the mountains when we do. And before you say "but daddy there aren't buffalo on mountain roads" I will say unto you, "there are in Custer SD". I want to record it with bass and banjo and give it to her maybe by her birthday. I may regret posting that video but that is the first personal video I have been able to post on SG. They have always been to big or had some other issue. Since this is the first time you are hearing my voice know that it is not usually that high and that unlike normal cameras that add 10 pounds mine adds 50.
Last night we had friends in from North Carolina. I broke out the big ass pot and made a couple gallons of beef stew. The wife made some bombsy biscuits. Everyone ate well, even the kids and I still have a schload left over which will be handy since the brothers in law are coming this week. One of them is bringing his fiance which is cool. The other one is bringing his cat which sucks balls and when he comes through on his way back he will have two f-ing cats. Her whole family loves cats and my whole family hates them(some of my family will shoot them for sport, not me) and her mom always buys me birthday cards with cats on them.
Yesterday I finished my shopping. I got up early so I could get it over with and to my surprise of the four places I needed to go the only one that opened before 10 am was the sex shop( they open at 7). At 9 am I couldn't buy jewelry or books or clothes but I could buy vibrators and underwear with funny phrases on them. Who knew? It was also kind of odd how many other people came in while I was there. I was shopping , they were using the booths. I never have understood the booths. I guess they are for guys with wives that don't like porn and never leave the house. Any way I found some pretty cool books for the wife after 10 am. I got a George Carlin she didn't have and a biography of Tom Waits that I will probably read too.
While I was shopping I was mistaken for my friend Joe by an old lady from his church. She called me Joe three times before she asked me something that I couldn't answer and had to tell her who I was. It was a pretty fair mistake because we do look very similar, two fat long haired bearded guys that you only see together playing music, she was bummed but I assured her she wasn't the first. So my buddy Joe is a little high strung and I like to fuck with him so I texted him "was mistaken for you today at crossroads so I acted like a complete ass, you owe hazel an apology" He didn't respond for hours but by the time he called he had convinced himself that I was kidding.
This is long and rambling so the end. Have fum SG.
And I haven't started my holiday shopping yet (waiting for this week's paycheck on Thursday).
"You owe Hazel an apology." haha that is too funny!