What a gorgeous day out today. It has been great all week, very hard to go to work. I haven't been on SG much this week. I have been working and the wife has managed to pretty well monopolize the computer when I've been home with school and crackbook. So here I am and what do I find but a new set from Amerena. Smoking hot set and a super cool lady, give her some love today as she is also being plagued by the six percent of blind jackasses on here that vote NFM for any chick who's bones aren't sticking out. I am an ass appreciator not a clavicle appreciator. Come for her sweet ass and stay for her sexy smile, Amerena vote for her Chicago style(that means twice and even if you are dead).
"Here's to the ladies we won't play you if you're proud shake what your momma gave you"
I don't have a lot else to say this is just about the only time I'll have this week to update. I have to work monday this week for some political doucher's fundraiser dinner. It is always the same jackasses every year and they are even some of the same ones that used to come to the hotel all the time. Smiley bullshit artists, and most of them run unopposed every year so what are they raising funds for? There is no one else on the ballot the only other choice is to leave it blank(and I do). There was one of those anti-Wallstreet rallies in town today on ISU campus. I can appreciate the sentiment and I find it very interesting how little the big news companies have covered it, mostly I hope they don't shoot them. Large groups of angry young people scare the crap out of the establishment and throughout the world general consensus seems to be that the way to deal with that is to shoot into the crowd ala kent state or tienamen square. In the world as well in SG whenever an extremist minority of any kind, comes to have more power than it deserves, only bad things can happen. and I'm spent.
"Here's to the ladies we won't play you if you're proud shake what your momma gave you"
I don't have a lot else to say this is just about the only time I'll have this week to update. I have to work monday this week for some political doucher's fundraiser dinner. It is always the same jackasses every year and they are even some of the same ones that used to come to the hotel all the time. Smiley bullshit artists, and most of them run unopposed every year so what are they raising funds for? There is no one else on the ballot the only other choice is to leave it blank(and I do). There was one of those anti-Wallstreet rallies in town today on ISU campus. I can appreciate the sentiment and I find it very interesting how little the big news companies have covered it, mostly I hope they don't shoot them. Large groups of angry young people scare the crap out of the establishment and throughout the world general consensus seems to be that the way to deal with that is to shoot into the crowd ala kent state or tienamen square. In the world as well in SG whenever an extremist minority of any kind, comes to have more power than it deserves, only bad things can happen. and I'm spent.

It is but I'm still not used to it. Lol!