Man what a gloomy day it was. I could have stayed in bed all day. I would be asleep now if tonight's series of text messages from the wife didn't leave me to believe that it will be worth my while to stay up. So I am killing this bottle of maker's and watching some bull riding. Busy week at work and the wife has been spending 4 hrs a night on her class. She is intent on keeping her A in this Stats class so she is really going at it.
Well I am off to my debauchery. Have fun SG.
Well I am off to my debauchery. Have fun SG.
I stumbled on him via Pandora. I like old Snoop but his new stuff I find to be terrible. I listen to less mainstream hip/hop these days. My favorite is Del the Funky Homosapien. You should check him out.
I don't usually add hopefuls or random friend requests on here. I only send requests or accept them if the person seems to want to know me, active in the same groups. I guess I don't understand the pokemon mentality of having all these "friends" most who you never talk to.