I am no longer childless. The girls came home today. It is good to have them back though it was good to be just the two of us for a week. Work has been crazy busy and exhausting. With no AC it is already retarded hot in the kitchen. It was almost 100 today. My fuse gets a little shorter in the heat. I am pretty hard to piss off and yesterday I let 4 pieces of chicken piss me off for 20 hours. I went to bed pissed, though the wife tried mightily to improve my mood, and woke up still aching with pissy-ness. It was a touch insane. I have to work on Monday so tomorrow is my only day off. It will be good to chill with the girls since the house is already clean.
It didn't cross the road but it almost flew across the kitchen at a 70 year old lady.
I like that idea!