AAAAAAND my baby is officially two. In celebration, I shall tell you all the story of my amazing labor and delivery, wether you want to hear it or not.
It was a beautiful March Monday, the first day of my maternity leave, and two weeks before my due date. I awoke at about 7 a.m. with contractions that were pretty consistently 5 minutes apart. I went to my dad and told him what was happening, he said that it was probably just braxton hicks (pre-labor contractions, they kind of get you and your body for the real thing), so I should go back to bed. I took his advice, and slept until about 9:30, the contractions were still five minutes apart. At this point I knew this was it, now to convince the parentals. My father called my mom, who was at a business breakfast, and they both agreed it HAD to be false labor, I wasn't due for two more weeks! A few minutes later I got my proof that I needed to get my tushy to the hospital, my dad became frantic lol
We got to the hospital, they admitted me, and a short time later my mom and best dude friend showed up (even after telling him multiple times that he didn't have to rush
). Everything proceeded perfectly, the doctor broke my water at about noon, I got my epidural at about 2, and I began pushing at 4. As soon as the nurse said I was going to start pushing I immediately looked at the boys, pointed to the door, and told them I'd see them in a bit haha. They were waiting outside, debating whether or not to go get some food, when the nurse came running, RUNNING, out to get the doctor, who also came RUNNING around the corner just a few short minutes later. After a mere 59 minutes of pushing, my beautiful baby girl came flying out of my body! She got a 9.9 on the APGAR test (which is the test they use to asses the health of a newborn immediately after birth), and all of the nurses said they have never seen a baby score that high
Most of the rest of the day was a blur, but I do remember looking at that amazing face and thinking I had never seen prettier eyelashes lol
The last two years have been the most challenging of my life, but my god have they kicked ass! Everyday I think "how can this possibly get better," and then it does. I wake up to Christmas every single day.
The biggest sadness I will ever have in my life is that I cannot take in all of the babies and children who have no one to love them. I know a few girls that got pregnant on accident, or to keep a guy around, and I cry for those little ones, because it is just disgusting how their mothers treat them, they don't even deserve the title of "mother." I hope that one day I might be in a place to take in foster kids, at least then I would know there were a few more kids out there that knew someone cared.
I shall leave you with me and my girl <3
First pic of Alex ever
Right after getting to our room
About 5 days old
haha I was asked on a daily basis if it was twins... that felt good.
That is all for now, sorry if this grossed out any of you boys! lol
It was a beautiful March Monday, the first day of my maternity leave, and two weeks before my due date. I awoke at about 7 a.m. with contractions that were pretty consistently 5 minutes apart. I went to my dad and told him what was happening, he said that it was probably just braxton hicks (pre-labor contractions, they kind of get you and your body for the real thing), so I should go back to bed. I took his advice, and slept until about 9:30, the contractions were still five minutes apart. At this point I knew this was it, now to convince the parentals. My father called my mom, who was at a business breakfast, and they both agreed it HAD to be false labor, I wasn't due for two more weeks! A few minutes later I got my proof that I needed to get my tushy to the hospital, my dad became frantic lol
We got to the hospital, they admitted me, and a short time later my mom and best dude friend showed up (even after telling him multiple times that he didn't have to rush

Most of the rest of the day was a blur, but I do remember looking at that amazing face and thinking I had never seen prettier eyelashes lol
The last two years have been the most challenging of my life, but my god have they kicked ass! Everyday I think "how can this possibly get better," and then it does. I wake up to Christmas every single day.
The biggest sadness I will ever have in my life is that I cannot take in all of the babies and children who have no one to love them. I know a few girls that got pregnant on accident, or to keep a guy around, and I cry for those little ones, because it is just disgusting how their mothers treat them, they don't even deserve the title of "mother." I hope that one day I might be in a place to take in foster kids, at least then I would know there were a few more kids out there that knew someone cared.
I shall leave you with me and my girl <3

That is all for now, sorry if this grossed out any of you boys! lol
And I would like to wish a happy belated birthday to your daughter. Here, I'll share some ducks with her!