I must be honest... I'm a little bored with all of the bedroom sets. Don't get me wrong, they are all gorgeous, and everyone should be really really proud of their photos, but it feels like 90% of the ones I see are in the bedroom. There are so many cool locations and concepts, it just makes me super happy when I see the more creative sets.... I'm sorry if I made anyone mad
I am making my first wedding cake this weekend, and I'm soooo stressed. It is incredibly exciting (especially since it's my friends getting married) but damn, there is a lot to do before the big day! All of these weddings are seriously putting me off of the idea... but they're just so pretty! Everyone always says you shouldn't make your own wedding cake, but baking chills me out.... so screw them. Now I just need to find myself a groom....
Now for mine and Alex's photo shoot:
Love <3
I told her to make a kissy face, she kissed my computer
She got bored and walked away
So I squished her head

I am making my first wedding cake this weekend, and I'm soooo stressed. It is incredibly exciting (especially since it's my friends getting married) but damn, there is a lot to do before the big day! All of these weddings are seriously putting me off of the idea... but they're just so pretty! Everyone always says you shouldn't make your own wedding cake, but baking chills me out.... so screw them. Now I just need to find myself a groom....
Now for mine and Alex's photo shoot:

Love <3


I told her to make a kissy face, she kissed my computer

She got bored and walked away

So I squished her head
So cute !
I like how in the last picture, you're like, "I'm totally going to do it, and there's nothing you can do to stop me. >=|!".