I am in Columbus! WOOO! OHAYOCON! FINALLY!!!!
We got in a couple hours ago, had dinner, then went to the hotel bar for a bit. I had a few, feeling pretty good, except my tummy
it's hurting pretty bad, so I decided to come upstairs while the boyfriend hangs with his buds. I MISS HIM!!! but its ok, he rarely goes out anymore, so I'm happy when he can hang out with the boys. Plus, I am enjoying a few minutes in the KING SIZED BED! I may jump on it in a few minutes....
Tomorrow is Ohayocon, and I am sooooooo excited! My friends have enjoyed picking on me for going to an anime convention, my response "you guys wish you were as comfortable enough with yourselves to do something this nerdy, and be proud of it!" hell yes!
Ok, I am going to go smoke a couple (whatevers), and pass the eff out.
Love Love Love
We got in a couple hours ago, had dinner, then went to the hotel bar for a bit. I had a few, feeling pretty good, except my tummy

Tomorrow is Ohayocon, and I am sooooooo excited! My friends have enjoyed picking on me for going to an anime convention, my response "you guys wish you were as comfortable enough with yourselves to do something this nerdy, and be proud of it!" hell yes!
Ok, I am going to go smoke a couple (whatevers), and pass the eff out.
Love Love Love
Bed jumping rules