I fell off the wagon on thursday night. Hard.
What is my addiction? Booze? Gambling? Women? Well, I'm not admitting or denying any of the above, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about videogames. I'm one of the millions of addicts in this fast growing epidemic.
I'm being totaly serious. It's scary how fast a new video game becomes more important than anything else in my life. Over the past few months I've been trying very hard to stay off the controller and I've been pretty successful so far. I've gotten SO much done in my life since I gave up videogames.
Then came KotOR. I found out my friend had Knights of the Old Republic and he let me borrow it. I'm an adult. I can handle a little recreational gaming, right?
Wrong. I installed the game on my computer at around 1am Friday morning and, except for a couple of bathroom runs and going to the kitchen for cereal and nachos, I didn't stop playing that blasted game until 3am SATURDAY MORNING. Yup, I played KotOR for 26 hours. Straight. I'm a sick, sick man. The worst part is that after writing this I'm going to fire up the game again. Friday was the first day that I haven't worked on the webpage since I started on it. Sad. I really need to ween myself off games again. I need like, a video game patch or something.
What is my addiction? Booze? Gambling? Women? Well, I'm not admitting or denying any of the above, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about videogames. I'm one of the millions of addicts in this fast growing epidemic.
I'm being totaly serious. It's scary how fast a new video game becomes more important than anything else in my life. Over the past few months I've been trying very hard to stay off the controller and I've been pretty successful so far. I've gotten SO much done in my life since I gave up videogames.
Then came KotOR. I found out my friend had Knights of the Old Republic and he let me borrow it. I'm an adult. I can handle a little recreational gaming, right?
Wrong. I installed the game on my computer at around 1am Friday morning and, except for a couple of bathroom runs and going to the kitchen for cereal and nachos, I didn't stop playing that blasted game until 3am SATURDAY MORNING. Yup, I played KotOR for 26 hours. Straight. I'm a sick, sick man. The worst part is that after writing this I'm going to fire up the game again. Friday was the first day that I haven't worked on the webpage since I started on it. Sad. I really need to ween myself off games again. I need like, a video game patch or something.

videogames<3<3<3 im am xbox girl. but i just got a ds.. which i love a lot.
videogames have always been and will always be the most important thing in my life. i would never ask a woman to stop eating chocolate so why are they so quick to judge us by the controler thats glued to our hands?