Man, how do people update their journals daily? I must lead a pretty boring life.
So yeah, not much new going on in Cheevoland. I spent $106 on comics yesterday, nothing new there... Hmm... My brother and I went to the mall. We managed not to get stabbed, so that was nice. My brother started his cosmotology school today, so that's exciting. Won't be long before I have my own personal hairdresser! I can't deciede what kind of hairstyle to get first... I'm thinking either a really crazy pompadore or a nice, tight perm. Man, a perm would look soooo great with my cheesey 70's mustache I'm growning out right now. The ladies would totaly dig me.
No, they totaly would.
I should be working more on my comic scripts, but the blasted Vampire: Bloodlines game is WAY too addicting. I hate video games. Just when I managed to swear them off I have to get a new computer so I can actualy play new games. Hopeless. I need to throw this thing away and get a nice 386 with windows 3.1, so I can get some damn work done. Ah, who am I kidding, I'd probably play Oregon Trail all night long.
Speaking of video games, my friends are too damn boring. All they do all day long is play halo 2 or some other waste of time. It's their fault my life is so boring honest.

I should be working more on my comic scripts, but the blasted Vampire: Bloodlines game is WAY too addicting. I hate video games. Just when I managed to swear them off I have to get a new computer so I can actualy play new games. Hopeless. I need to throw this thing away and get a nice 386 with windows 3.1, so I can get some damn work done. Ah, who am I kidding, I'd probably play Oregon Trail all night long.
Speaking of video games, my friends are too damn boring. All they do all day long is play halo 2 or some other waste of time. It's their fault my life is so boring honest.