My head lies in her trembling arms
A warm redness engulfs her hands
A ray of light reflects off the metal object in the distance
Her chin quivers as the hatred flows through her body
He did this to me -- My Father -- Our Creator
The hand that soothed, was the hand that killed
Her melody was interrupted by his vengeful lusts
He fell from ecstasy and then abandoned her respect
My lifeless body lies in her trembling arms
She strokes my skin that faces her
My long hair hides what barely remains on the other side
A warm redness engulfs her hand
Her fingers slip through my soaken locks and handle a spongy mass
Her chin once again began to quiver
As she searches for hope -- all her eyes could focus on
was the metal fortune that lies in the distance
The blackness of the barrel stares at her
as she peers back at its empty darkness
Darkness -- that was all the future held for her
Now that I was gone
He drove me to death -- the one we call "Father"
The one who supposedly loved me was the one who had killed me
No -- He didn't love me
She loved me
She was the one who loved me
She was the one who nurtured my death and returned my self respect
She loved me and she comforted me
After my killer made the kill.