Nevertheless, every failure to cope with life situation must be laid, in the end, to a restriction of consciousness. Wars and temper tantrums are the makeshifts of ignorance; regrets are illuminations come too late. The whole sense of the ubiquitous myth of the hero's passage is that it shall serve as a general pattern for men and women, wherever they may stand along the scale....
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You're from Grand Rapids, you're into the medicine cabinet, and you came up when i searched for crowley in the keywords. Why the hell don't I know you? Why the hell arent' we best friends?

Weird, I looked again and your location on the Hookup thing says grand rapids michigan, probably a zip code typo. I assume that you were being funny when you mentioned synchronicities, otherwise run here http://www.horusset.com/greek/search.shtml and look up 1134, which is by the way a great gemetria look up for greek, i only wish i could find such a good one for hebrew. Anyway, I'm also finishing up an album entitled 7 Devils that will be finished on 11.3.4. I would love to have a debate or conversation about something seeing as though I'd love to see what other things we have in common, but my brain is mush between work and the album, the last piece of crowley i've even looked at was "Crowley on Christ" about 4 months ago, which is what inspired me to write this album. My AIM name is NateLokers if you ever want to hit me, I'm on about 12 hours a day between work and home.

They call me Spittle Allin...

I now have a list of useable aliases thanks to you, crazy waste-of-time internet thingie!

EXOTIC FOREIGNER ALIAS: Favorite Spice + Last Foreign Vacation Spot:

- Cardamom Quito (tengo tipo, senor...)

SOCIALITE ALIAS: Silliest Childhood Nickname + Town Where You First Partied:

- Scoop Pinedale (the guy with a coif and pinetree air freshener cologne)

"FLY GIRL" ALIAS (a la...
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Fond Memories:

I woke up this morning with "You can't say anything wrong about music!" scrawled in thick black ink over my entire left arm and the charred smell of a bridge burnt between the Kings of Leon and I still searing my nostrils. I was vaguely aware that the band might even try to run me down like a mongrel dog in their tour...
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This entry is for posterity, that future generations might look back and say, "Oh, that's where this guy started his journal entries. Hm."