re: ironman

we. are. gonna. need. some. of. those. f-in'. suits.


"nods to all around encouragingly and expects results presently..."
i think i need me some G time. you still in SF?
you disappear like free doughnuts, sometimes
a silly little story...
so there is this Ben & Jerry's on the corner of Haight and Ashbury, and once a year they have a free ice cream day. And all these people come and line up all day and everybody eats free ice cream all over the haight. And I didn't know what the hell it was, I guess I just thought maybe the...
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sailors learn to navigate by the stars. just in case. although they trust their compass, the clear night sky holds truths that nothing man made can compete with.
I looked up tonight, form the tiny back porch in the weird flat I am renting a room in, and saw stars for the first time in a while. This city is so small, the sky is...
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hmm....I have been writing bad poetry again, but it seems too base to post it here.
needless to say, things are definitely looking different. and i am daffy again. which i find v. pleasant, mind you.
i have a new motto i stole from eva...but i am keeping things to myself these days.
as it should be. pushaw.
more soon.
say goodnight gracie.
Goodnight Gracie..

I'm still on my early rising kick, in training for a triathlon, and all that, so I miss meeting you in the ether. But I want you to know that I miss it... you should know that I miss it
life keeps going faster and faster and for such a long time it seems nothing has happened and I have been stuck with one foot nailed to the floor screaming and ranting but accomplishing nothing...

and then the bubble sortof collapsed...or melted really, and i got kindof lost for a little bit, and sad and lonely and very tired of fighting the forces of darkness...
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the last ten minutes....

i want to live in the French restaurant where it's always 10 till 8 and there are white napkins next to my chilled mimosa. the trees are ever turning and the air is chilled just so you know winter comes but before you remembered to bring a sweater.

the sun is setting but darkness takes the longest minute ever...a season to...
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duh. of course. but then again, maybe I DO live there...
And so you shall...
zombie angel squad...
trying to find old stuffed anilmals to sew x's on eyes and figure out where to obtain shrunken heads is totally the most fun thing to do on a sunday night when i should be going to bed...
sometimes...when people surprise me, it's like breathing for the first time. and things look different and i feel like i can do anything.
My neighbor has joined the crazy derby chics and posted this..I am speading the word for her. woot.

THIS SUNDAY, 8/26 at 5pm in NoHo!!

Derby in the park: Bring your sweet asses, lawn chairs, brown bags, puppy dogs and sunscreen!

For a mere $5 you can witness the hottest new sport in the country--girl on girl flat track roller derby!! What better way to...
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yeah well, come on by and check out these silly puppies. they're good.