I went to Warped Tour tonight and my left big toe got broken during Skindred's set. It was an awesome time and the lead singer of Skindred noticed who I was when I went to their tent, which was pretty damn cool. He smiled, pointed and said "There's my dancer!" Life was good for about six hours. smile
warrrrrped tour! i wanted to go. and then i remembered i was lazy and didnt want to coughup dust for the next few hours. (really this is a suave cover because if i wasn't a total selfdestructive bum i'd be taking goddamn photos on it. and refuse to go in the face of my bumfailure)

I'm glad life was good although it sucks that it came at the expense of your toe!

ice it! and elevate it! and then try to find people to suck on it!
its really true, i must go...
but i guess it was fun while it lasted!


I've been thinking about my website lately. I'm not really sure as to why I actually started one. Most of the time it's a burden and I never know what to say and I end up forcing some kind of rant out of myself that I don't like. On one side, it does help me write and I write a lot more frequently when I...
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I really need to start writing here more. I mean, I love the site and I love writing and I need to be here more so I can get more friends and feel cooler around here.

So, here we go...

I really love "artsy" people. You know the type - people that can take something so ordinary, such as other people's garbage, and turn it...
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hey girl, how are you? I was reading your take on the art scene, the people involved, and the poetry reading attention whores, etc up there in Scranton and just wanted to say to you to keep up your efforts; do what you do best and keep on doing it. yeah it's all business up there trying to salvage something from the disaster left behind from a previous generation of self serving businessmen and robber barons. that there are still attempts to keep art, true art, alive seems almost too good to be true, but stick with those who show any interest and, by all means, keep on keeping on ... perhaps you will be the one who makes a difference, enlighten someone, but, no matter what, you can go home and sleep at night knowing in your heart you've done your best. that you remain in Scranton says a lot about your strength and belief in yourself. take care girl, I have missed talking to you and am liking your journal. a lot. wink

[Edited on Aug 04, 2005 3:43AM]
if the current scene repulses you maybe you need another one. forget about going for awhile and find a swank place to hole up by yourself. a closest draped in pink boas. the crackerbarrel bathroom. the barnes and noble gay erotica aisle. be a hermit and write and in a few weeks or months? the scene might have something else to offer. at least it wont feel so overdone and stale.

just a thooought. by the way. im gillian. i want to be your friend damnit!
I am so excited and so proud of how I wastedmy time in the past two days.

ObsceneMB is now open, go join and be merry!
hey girl, what is this intrique I feel? - I looked at your ObsceneMB, very cool site, a good start ... good luck with it. oh, yeah, and you have a new member!

[Edited on Jul 16, 2005 10:41AM]
I'm not sick anymore, woohoo! However, I am suffering from some severe insomnia; it's fine, though, the site is getting some major attention. Epiphany has a brand new look and an entire new section, including some photoshop images/desktops. I'm a very happy girl.
I'm sick. I hate being sick and I absolutely detest Pennsylvania in the summer. I'm used to it being cold and I like that, but the humidity of the summer kills me. I also find it terribly fucking insane that I always seem to get sick right around this time. Rah!

I did, however, start a new website which I am loving! Anti-Beauty.net is now...
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Feel better soon
Ughhh. I hate my sleeping schedule, I always seem to sleep in when I have to get up to do something severely important. Grr! Fuck it, I'm taking my day off of work today.

I have a new baby! It's a firebelly toad, I named him Jack, and he has declared the shower his spot, and just tends to look at me like I don't...
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Oh my god that toad is so beautiful! love I stole 2 toads from my frinds garden pond when I was 9. One escaped from the secret home I made for them in the garden and I had to take the other one back when my parents found out I had taken him'her. I kissed him goodbye though smile
I have wanted to join this site for such a long time and now I finally have and I think I have died and gone to luscious babe Heaven! So many hot women, so many pictures, such little time!

Of course, as a truely wonderful added bonus I can stare at Quinne for as long as my little heart desires! love
It's true! I'm drowning in a sea of hot pierced women biggrin biggrin Welcome to SG. I'm new too smile
whever i walk outside thats what i see