wow, it's been a while since i posted here... probably because it's been pretty much the same as it has since the last post... still unemployed and looking for a job... still spending all day with my awesome son... he's gone from dora to spider-man, from diego to iron man etc... so that's been fun. He has become so super hero obsessed it's ridiculous... i don't think he goes half an hour without webbing someone up or blasting them... since he turned three he seems to have decided that naps are for babies and he is no longer a baby so he'll get a little cranky by the end of the day but it's not too bad because he goes to sleep a little earlier now. That gives me time to catch up on my tv episodes and movies... here i am babbling on thanks to the bottle of jager i've almost finished so i'm going to call it a night... just felt like typing and looking at beautiful girls...
More Blogs
Wednesday Jun 10, 2009
Well it's Wednesday, the week is over half over at this point and i o… -
Friday Jun 05, 2009
Two finals due in two days and i have yet to start either. this is g… -
Thursday Jun 04, 2009
So i've been on my stupid medicine for a week now and i can't drink..… -
Sunday May 31, 2009
i have a 1500 word paper due tonight by midnight and no idea where to… -
Friday May 29, 2009
Got back from the doctor's today and he put me on antibiotics for an … -
Wednesday May 27, 2009
Another long day at work, i just want to goto sleep, but for some rea… -
Saturday May 16, 2009
After about a month of no SG because I'm poor, i signed up again. I … -
Saturday Apr 11, 2009
Another night with homework due and i haven't started it until after … -
Saturday Apr 04, 2009
I've been drinking too much to still have to my homework... I need to… -
Sunday Mar 15, 2009
Talk about a rough night... First a friend blew me off because he "ha…
So I started SIing again and made a cursury (sp?) suicide attempt. A week or two later I decided the stupid course wasn't worth my life and told the director of the course I was quitting.
Hm. My origional point was that I'm unemployed too and know how you're feeling. Guess I just really needed to get that out.