So since i was fired, thought it would be fun to just go out and drive around... I hit up the Rock and Roll hall of fame this afternoon and now i'm sitting at the desk of a Super 8 hotel room outside of Chicago drinking New Belgium beers.... i think this might just be the best idea ever. tomorrow i get to see my son after almost three months so it's really shaping up to be a good week... glad i lost my job at this point.
More Blogs
Wednesday Jun 10, 2009
Well it's Wednesday, the week is over half over at this point and i o… -
Friday Jun 05, 2009
Two finals due in two days and i have yet to start either. this is g… -
Thursday Jun 04, 2009
So i've been on my stupid medicine for a week now and i can't drink..… -
Sunday May 31, 2009
i have a 1500 word paper due tonight by midnight and no idea where to… -
Friday May 29, 2009
Got back from the doctor's today and he put me on antibiotics for an … -
Wednesday May 27, 2009
Another long day at work, i just want to goto sleep, but for some rea… -
Saturday May 16, 2009
After about a month of no SG because I'm poor, i signed up again. I … -
Saturday Apr 11, 2009
Another night with homework due and i haven't started it until after … -
Saturday Apr 04, 2009
I've been drinking too much to still have to my homework... I need to… -
Sunday Mar 15, 2009
Talk about a rough night... First a friend blew me off because he "ha…