After about a month of no SG because I'm poor, i signed up again. I would find myself going to the site and looking at all the pictures that said "members only" and get sad...
More Blogs
Sunday Mar 28, 2010
The job search continues... can't find anything that is worth getting… -
Wednesday Mar 17, 2010
So i'm resting up from my week out of state... Driving 18.5 hours in … -
Monday Mar 08, 2010
So since i was fired, thought it would be fun to just go out and driv… -
Friday Mar 05, 2010
Yeah, so I worked all day and in the end got fired! I guess it's for… -
Friday Feb 26, 2010
It really feels like this is the longest day of work ever as of right… -
Sunday Feb 21, 2010
I keep trying to change my profile pics but it won't let me. I don't… -
Thursday Feb 11, 2010
I've gotten out of work for two days in a row due to poor road condit… -
Sunday Feb 07, 2010
Superbowl Sunday! another excuse for me to drink... Just sittin in my… -
Monday Jan 11, 2010
Now that the holidays are over, things are starting to return to norm… -
Thursday Dec 10, 2009
Took a day off of work yesterday only to work from home for half of i…