studying for an IT Certification test... need a mini break between chapter reviews so SG seems to be the best place to be right now.
I once again have a working computer that I can use to access the site... my cell phone is not cut for viewing sg and I had some major reservations on using my work pc for accessing the site. but I am back up and running and glad to report that things are better than ever! here's to hoping that my time away won't prevent...
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Once again, i am back. account ran out and funds were tight. Things are looking a little better now, so i'm looking forward to reacquainting myself with the site. 

Finally getting settled into the twin cities area.. and it only took about 10 months or so... still don't know where anything is... but there'll be plenty of time for that.
So Ive been in Minnesota for about five months or so and havent really been to Minneapolis until today. Got to see a group of people dancing to u cant touch this wearing v for vendetta masks protesting scientology that was interesting. Hit up the tattoo convention at the hyatt and was kind of disappointed. Ive been to others on the east coast and was...
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Between the job hunting and then getting a job, i really haven't paid too much attention to SG... I am currently bogged down with homework and thought a break would be in order, i forgot just how great this site is. now the problem is getting back to work... i'd rather stay here then finish my work.
I've been living in Minnesota for four months now and i finally started to settle in. I got a job, got my new bank account set up, signed the lease on the apartment, and watching my bills pile up. Being unemployed really drains your funds... especially when you have a kid that is obsessed with anything comic books... dvds, books, shirts, shoes... the kid is...
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two week shy of my 6 month anniversary of being unemployed and i got a job! This will be my first official IT job, and seeing how that's what I'm going to school for, it could be my foot in the door for better jobs down the lane... While it's a contract job, they have a high turn around rate so as long as i...
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wow, it's been a while since i posted here... probably because it's been pretty much the same as it has since the last post... still unemployed and looking for a job... still spending all day with my awesome son... he's gone from dora to spider-man, from diego to iron man etc... so that's been fun. He has become so super hero obsessed it's ridiculous... i...
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I know how that unemployed thing goes. I even tried school but they were trying to fit 1000 hrs worth of knowledge into 600 hrs (and admitted this without meaning to) so I couldn't keep up. I'm sorry, I just can't learn an entire muscle group in three days.
So I started SIing again and made a cursury (sp?) suicide attempt. A week or two later I decided the stupid course wasn't worth my life and told the director of the course I was quitting.
Hm. My origional point was that I'm unemployed too and know how you're feeling. Guess I just really needed to get that out.
So I started SIing again and made a cursury (sp?) suicide attempt. A week or two later I decided the stupid course wasn't worth my life and told the director of the course I was quitting.
Hm. My origional point was that I'm unemployed too and know how you're feeling. Guess I just really needed to get that out.
It's been a while... busy looking for a job, playing with my son... he will be 3 years old within 24 hours and he has become obsessed with marvel super heroes. That means, I get to play with his toys... He has also been watching the Hulk tv show from the 70s/80s on netflix almost non stop, and when I want to play a video...
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