Dreams are weird... I had three different dreams that I remember last night... two have come close to coming true... In one I met Pearl Jam and they said that they were going to release the bootlegs of the shows I went to last year... I didn't meet them today, but the site announced the release of said bootlegs... Another dream had my friend's girlfriend...
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One week left in PA before I start my road trip to Minnesota... kind of excited... I'm not going to lie...
Down to about two weeks until my move to Minnesota, I already miss Yuengling and Wawa. I'm taking a trip down to Dogfish Head brewery in Milton, DE on Wednesday, even though they don't ship to Minnesota, they do ship to Wisconsin, just the other side of the river.
Moving to Minnesota in less than three weeks... Haven't even started to think about packing... Just taking what fits in my car, I can get the rest eventually. Not really looking forward to the drive out, but there will be a going away party which should be fun... Still debating if i want to take two days to get out there, or just drive through......
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typo: should be 4am to midnight.
Yuengling and wawa are two of the things I miss already
Finished my homework early, now I have nothing to do for the rest of the day. Sitting around watching 24 to pass the time.
Another "I should be doing homework, but i'm on SG instead. I am trying to find the answers for my homework, but the problem is, they are not in my book. I know what they should be, but I have to find references other than wikipedia because it's not a good source for information due to the fact that anyone can post whatever they want....
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Yeah, I just realized i am either drinking or about to drink in all my profile pictures... is that a sign that i have a problem? The first has me holding a beer that i used to post in the "what are you drinking now" thread, the second is me at my friend's college drinking straight from the pitcher, and the last is at cheers,...
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The job search continues... can't find anything that is worth getting... everything is minimum wage and i make more than that with unemployment (whenever it finally kicks in..) I'm just tired of everything at the moment... School is kicking my ass with assignments, so i guess the fact that i lost my job is helping me spend more time on that, but still... it's one...
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So i'm resting up from my week out of state... Driving 18.5 hours in one day really takes a lot of you. I got to go to Minnesota to see my son and it was a great week... He's getting way too big, but it might just be because i haven't seen him since December. Since I lost my job, I will probably be making...
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Glad you got to see your little one
So since i was fired, thought it would be fun to just go out and drive around... I hit up the Rock and Roll hall of fame this afternoon and now i'm sitting at the desk of a Super 8 hotel room outside of Chicago drinking New Belgium beers.... i think this might just be the best idea ever. tomorrow i get to see my...
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Yeah, so I worked all day and in the end got fired! I guess it's for the best, all i've been doing there is complaining that i don't want to be there, now i got what i wanted... no work on monday! And i'll most likely be sitting at the bar all day for st patricks day instead of after work... now i'm only like...
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Any amount of Irish is enough to celebrate