Hmmm, a week of long work hours n great socializing... I really didn't think I'd find any use for these stupid "About Me" boxes (viewed above), but I think I do have a relevant point for mine for the near-future (except *this Tuesday, I'm off to see Ween with mikael and Les). Job is going okay for me; just worrying that the getting-up-hellaearly thing will snap me like a twig... ironically, I've been wide awake at work, but near dead on my feet the rest of the time.... with some exceptions. It's been a high-energy week at times.
Harry n the Potters show on Thurs was nice. I can always use more 7 pm rock shows....
Harry n the Potters show on Thurs was nice. I can always use more 7 pm rock shows....
I hope you are having a good time though and I miss you.