SHOTSHOW las vegas.
lots of gay meetings and dope shit.
being an illustrator friend of a designer was a lot like being the least cared about dude there. but it was STILL dope.
there were seriously hundreds of thousands of guns up in that bitch too.
i touched and licked em all.
every dope gun, every fresh new caliber, every everything.
and the plane almost crashed, hard. and it rained and snowed in vegas,
and the whole flying/layover/delay/reroute/change terminal magic was ubertarded.
the justin long scene in 'idiocracy', yo. as the doctor. every day, im livin that shit, sons.
yeah, yer shits fucked up, you talk like a fag and youre a little bit tarded.......
now and laters, bobo juice ("lil' hugs" to you cracker ass crackers), and even MORE hot sauce.
long flat jolly ranchers, too. in green.
wuTANG, ho.
lots of gay meetings and dope shit.
being an illustrator friend of a designer was a lot like being the least cared about dude there. but it was STILL dope.
there were seriously hundreds of thousands of guns up in that bitch too.
i touched and licked em all.
every dope gun, every fresh new caliber, every everything.
and the plane almost crashed, hard. and it rained and snowed in vegas,
and the whole flying/layover/delay/reroute/change terminal magic was ubertarded.
the justin long scene in 'idiocracy', yo. as the doctor. every day, im livin that shit, sons.
yeah, yer shits fucked up, you talk like a fag and youre a little bit tarded.......
now and laters, bobo juice ("lil' hugs" to you cracker ass crackers), and even MORE hot sauce.
long flat jolly ranchers, too. in green.
wuTANG, ho.

I see parts of idiocracy around me every single day.
its the damned hipies eatin al lthe vegetables making da erf go bonkers,
snow in vegas.if thats not god smiting you i dont know what is
he wants his carrots back
lil hugs, thats some other other shit, we used to call em quarter waters, the arab at the deli sell em and a loosey for 50 cents
come back with anyhting of the iller killer nature?