inches, yo.
it all comes down to inches, and natures got mad ones.
cold hard from the sky, long thick inches, fucking my life.
i stayed up well into today, watching the american version of 'the office', because without tv, i never see or hear about that stuff.
and ive been eating lots of words on paper lately, too.
between xmas and my berf-d., i got lots of printed materials, and ive been munching my way along pretty hard.
if i was a viking, id be a berserker skald. hey freak out, and tell a good story.
if i wasnt an a-hole, id probably be more fun to listen to/read about.
shame on us.
it all comes down to inches, and natures got mad ones.
cold hard from the sky, long thick inches, fucking my life.
i stayed up well into today, watching the american version of 'the office', because without tv, i never see or hear about that stuff.
and ive been eating lots of words on paper lately, too.
between xmas and my berf-d., i got lots of printed materials, and ive been munching my way along pretty hard.
if i was a viking, id be a berserker skald. hey freak out, and tell a good story.
if i wasnt an a-hole, id probably be more fun to listen to/read about.
shame on us.

Did you know I officially have a wu tang tattoo now? They put my tattoo on the cover of their new album, 8 diagrams.
yeah....i had to have my car fixed in the storm yesterday. So We spent like 2 hours sitting at barnes and noble at the mall while it was worked on. I think they trtied to trick me because I' not sure its really fixed. Bah.